Chapter Nineteen

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"What?" Parker blanches not comprehending what I am suggesting.

"Let's get married." I repeat, this time with less certainty.

"Where is this coming from Phoebe? Two months ago, you didn't even want to give me another chance and now you want to get married?" the confusion is evident on his face.

"I-I, my father said I cannot date you anymore and then told me I cannot date until I am married. So, I figured that problem can be fixed by us getting married." I stammer not sure if I am making any sense at all.

"Phoebe, we cannot just get married because your father is being an ass. We both have to actually want it."

"You do not want to marry me?" I inquire feeling the pang of hurt in my chest.

"No, no, that's not what I am saying. Neither one of us has even said I love you yet. So how can you expect us to jump into a marriage when we haven't even hit that major milestone yet?" he explains while rubbing his hand down his face.

"I love you parker, I do." I blurt with as much confidence as I can muster.

"Do not just say it because you want to get married to spite your father."

"I am not saying it for that reason. I do love you parker I have just been to hesitant to tell you. Do you not love me?" I respond as my lip begins to quiver at the sign of rejection.

"Oh Phoebe, of course I love you. I just want to make sure that you want to do this for the right reason."

"I cannot imagine my life without you, and if us getting married is the only way that I can keep you in my life then I am more than ready to take that step." I plead hoping that he will see where I am coming from.

"Okay phoebe, let's get married." Parker says as he rests his head in the curve of my neck.


It has been three days since I basically proposed to Parker. No one in my family knows and I intend on keeping it that way until I send out invitations. We are planning to have the wedding in a couple months that way we won't have to hide our relationship for very long. Currently we are standing in a jewelry shop in a quaint town outside of Seattle. We chose to come here for my engagement ring because no one in my family would ever dare come to such a small shop.

As we look through the multiple displays of beautiful rings one in particular catches my eyes. the ring is rose gold and the band covered in tiny diamonds. In the center of the ring is a large diamond surround by another band that has a twisted effect and is covered in the same tiny diamonds as the band. The design makes the ring almost look like a rose and I know for sure it is the one.
Grasping Parkers arm I pull him to my side and point to the ring. Looking down at me he asks if this is my ring and all I can do in reply is nod my head. He waves over the jeweler and we begin the process of figuring out my ring size and getting it ordered. The whole process takes around an hour but then we are on our way. Parker said he wants my wedding band to be a surprise since he didn't get to actually propose to me.


Ana's POV

"You did what?" I shout at my idiotic Husband from the kitchen sink.

"I told her she could no longer see the boy." Christain replies not seeing what is wrong with his actions.

"Christain! You cannot do shit like that. Do you realize that you most likely just ruined your relationship with her?" I reply pinching the bridge of my nose.

"The boy is a Dominant." He scoffs.

"So, there is nothing wrong that."

"Ana. This is my daughter we are talking about here. I will not stand by and let her be a part of that world."

"You don't have a choice. It is not even that big of a deal. For Christ sake when she told me she lost her virginity I told her it is okay to be kinky."
"Ana! What the fuck! You knew about this and encouraged it!"

"I did not know the boy is a dominant and I did not encourage anything. I just simply stated that it is okay to experiment and have an open mind."  State holding my ground.

The argument continues on for another half hour or so before I walk away not being able to take any more. I love christain to death but sometimes he does the stupidest shit. This whole phoebe thing is something we will never agree on and I know that this will have a lasting effect on their father daughter relationship.


Phoebe's POV
Wedding preparations are my worst enemy. I have spent the past week going through every magazine and Pinterest board. So far nothing has really stuck with me as far as ideas or themes for the wedding. Being that we will be holding the wedding in a few months I don't have much time to thoroughly plan. Parker insists on us having an actual wedding, but I am leaning more towards just going to the courthouse and getting it done. We can always plan a big wedding for after we are already married.

Sighing I close my laptop and walk over to where parker is currently sitting.  Looking over his shoulder I see him looking as listings for houses and I cannot help my curiousity.

"What are you looking at houses for babe?"

"Once we are married, we are going to need a place that is ours." He replies without looking up from the screen.

"what's wrong with this house." I say as I walk around to sit in his lap.

"Nothing is wrong with it. It just screams bachelor pad and I want a home for us."

"Well then, if you insist on a new house I won't complain just as long as I get to choose the house." I giggle as he kisses my nose.

"Anything for you princess."

As I am preparing dinner parker comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Laying my head back on his chest he proceeds to press his soft lips to my forehead. I sigh in content and close my eyes soaking in this moment. My thoughts from earlier about eloping still linger and I know it is something that won't just disappear.

"Parker." I murmur.

"yes, baby doll?" He replies

"Planning a wedding in such a short amount of time is really stressing me out and nothing is catching my eye. Can we just go to the courthouse or something and elope? Then plan a big wedding that way I can take all the time I need to make sure it is perfect."

"phoebe, you know how I want a big wedding." He sighs

"I know and I do to. It is just that I cannot plan it exactly the way I want it all by myself and on such short notice. After we elope, we then can plan a big wedding and I can get the help of my mom and aunts."

"if this is truly how you want to go about it then I guess we will do it your way."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I shout jumping into his arms.

Over dinner we discuss more about eloping and decide we will wait until my engagement ring comes in. the jeweler told us it would take about two weeks. As for our wedding bands we are ordering some temporary inexpensive rings off of amazon. We will wear those until we have our wedding.

I cannot contain my excitement about the next few weeks as we lay in bed. Parker thinks that my excitement is absolutely adorable. Without warming he pulls me in for a deep and passionate kiss. Instantly I respond to the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands slowly make their way down my sides to the hem of his shirt that I wear. In one swift move he pulls the shirt off and recaptures my lips with his.


Two weeks later.

"Princess." Parker yells from the front door of his mansion.

"yes." I reply skipping my way down the stairs.

"Guess what I just picked up."

"hmmm I don't know. Ice cream?" I giggle playing dumb.

As I reach the front door parker wraps me in his arms before pulling away and kneeling down on one knee. I cannot help the giggle that escapes me.

"Since I did not get to propose to you before we bought this I might as well take this opportunity." He states pulling the box out of his pocket." Phoebe Mae Grey we have been through a lot since the night we first met when you were sixteen, but I couldn't imagine things going any other way. That day you agreed to give me a second chance was the second-best day of my life. The best day being when you proposed and told me you love me. Anyways we may not have dated for very long, but I know for a fact that this step we are about to take is the right one. So, phoebe will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks getting all mushy and making my heart melt."

"Well, since I asked you first, I might as well say yes." I joke.

Standing to his feet he grabs my hand and slips my beautiful ring onto my finger. Then he pulls me in for a kiss. Breaking away from the kiss we stand holding each other for what seems like years. Since we knew the ring was coming in today, we already scheduled with the courthouse to get married today as well. They told us we needed one witness, so of course I called Madison and swore her to secrecy.

Rushing upstairs into parkers bedroom I quickly slip on the white sun dress I bought just a few days ago. There is no need to be all fancy today because that time will come next year when we plan to have our wedding. Heading back down the stairs I meet parker in the living room, and we head out to the car.

Once at the courthouse I spot Madison and she is beaming ear to ear. Hugging her tightly we all walk in the tall brick building.  Turns out we are third in line to get married today so we sit down in the little waiting room. It takes almost an hour before we are called into the room.

We are ushered to stand in front of the judge, and he begins explaining what all is about to happen. After signing all the papers, we had to sign we turn to each other and hold hands. I can see Madison out of the corner of my eye, and she is trying not to cry. I nod at her telling her it is okay if she does and then the judge begins his speech.

"Do you Phoebe Grey take Parker Hanes to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do." I reply without hesitation.

"do you Parker Hanes take Phoebe Grey to be your lawfully Wedded wife."

"I do." He states confidently never once breaking eye contact with me.

"by the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss your bride."

Parker grabs me by the waist and pulls me in for a long slow kiss and dips me down. The moment is pure bliss until I hear Madison shout at us to get a room. Standing me back up right parker chuckles as he leads me out of the courthouse with Madison close on our heels. I cannot believe I am officially Mrs. Hanes.


So y'all are gonna hate me..........

This is the last chapter. It's the end.

I struggled a lot with writing this and over the past few weeks I have been so ready to finish this story and instead of dragging it out over a couple more chapters and risking not having it finished by time I go back to school I decided to just go ahead and end it.
But on a good note there will be at least one epilogue. I will try to have it up before the end of the month.

Thank you so much to everyone who has ready this story and I am truly sorry if this ending isn't what you expected. I'll try to make it up to y'all with the epilogue.

As always
And follow if you haven't already

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