Shawn Mendes---A Feeling I Just Can't Describe

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Imagine that you are going to surprise your boyfriend at his concert.


"Excuse me," you say. An older man standing with his younger daughter, who looks to be about eleven, looks you up and down. Then moves out of the way so that you can walk in front of them. You shimmy your way past them and to your seat.

You take out you phone, and text your boyfriend. You: Good luck tonight. You're gonna kill it. Shawn: Thanks. I'm so nervous. I've never performed at Madison square garden before. Let alone sold it out. You: Don't be nervous. You deserve to sell this place out. Your amazing. You'll do great. I know it.

Shawn: Thanks babe. I just wish you could be here with me. You: I'm always with you. Shawn: I know I know your always with me in my heart. I just wish you could actually be here. You giggle at his text. He still had no idea that you were here.

The lights dim and you hear girls all around you start to scream. Shawn: Well it's show time. I'll talk to you after.

You start to hear the familiar sound of your boyfriend's guitar. He is lightly strumming at it. All of the girls start to scream louder, and you look up at the stage to see Shawn walking onto it.

You smile at your boyfriend even though you know that he can't see you. It has just been so long since you've seen him that you can't help the huge grin spreading across your face.

Shawn walks up to the microphone. "I thought that I've been hurt before, but no ones ever left me quite this sore..." he starts to sing.

Girls all around you continue to scream, but you don't even notice. You are to focused on your talented boyfriend.

A couple of songs later Shawn is singing one of your favorite songs, Imagination. He had written it about you. It was the story of how you two met.

Half way into the song Shawn looks towards the part of the crowd that you are in. As if both of your eyes were magnets you two immediately lock eyes.

The breath catches in his throat causing him to cough. Shawn stops playing his guitar even while the rest of his band continues to play.

The whole crowd disappears and it feels like time has stopped. You two stare into each others eyes getting lost.

After what feels like a life time, but has only been a few seconds, you two are brought back to reality by all the girls who had stopped screaming. They were now asking if Shawn was okay.

"I'm perfect," he says sending you one of his breath taking smiles.

Shawn starts to sing the song from the beginning while staring into your eyes the whole time he sings.

After the concert you make your way backstage to wait for him. He was going to be busy with a meet and greet for awhile, so you take out your phone and scroll through your Twitter account.

All of a sudden you hear Shawn's voice from down the hall. You get up off the couch where you were sitting, and decide to hide behind it instead. "Is she here?" you hear him ask. He sounded super excited. Like a little kid on Christmas. You can't help bit give a small laugh at your dorky boyfriend.

You jump out from behind the couch when he walks into the room. "Y/N!," Shawn says running over to you. He picks you up in his strong arms and spins you in a circle.

"You see what you do to me?" he whispers. "What?" you ask. "You take my breath away," Shawn says kissing your lips softly.


Inspiration: Nat Time's YouTube video, Shawn Mendes as your boyfriend. This was modified from her video. She had shown a video of Shawn's voice cracking with the caption: He sees you in the crowd and loses his voice.

*Go check out Nat Time's YouTube channel. She makes really good Shawn Mendes videos a long with a couple of other stars.*


February 25 2017

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