Shawn Mendes---You're Insecure, Don't Know What For

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Imagine seeing Shawn Mendes while you were at your local coffee shop.

Your alarm clock starts to loudly beep waking you up from your slumber. You groan wondering why you had set it in the first place considering it was a Saturday. Then it dawned on you that the reason you had set it was because you had a huge text for one of your college classes later in the day.

You slammed your hand on the clock, and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. After pulling back the covers and getting out of bed you walk to the bathroom to take a shower in a zombie state.

You turn on the water and grab a towel hanging it on a hanger by the shower. You get into the shower and do your normal routine.

Afterwards you dry off and head back to your room. You grab a pair of gray and black marbled joggers and a plain black t-shirt. You throw them on and run a brush threw your hair. You decide on not putting on makeup and put on your shoes.

You then grab your phone and keys, and head out to your car with your backpack slung over your shoulder. You start up your car and sing along to your favorite radio station.

After pulling into your local coffee shop you put your car in park and grab your backpack from the passenger seat. You wait in the short line decided on what kind of coffee you want.

After you ordered you sit down at a little table in the corner. You grab out your laptop and start to review the material that you would be tested on later that day. You had been studying for less then half an hour when you heard several girls around you let out high pitched squeals.

Your head snaps up and you see none other than the Shawn Mendes waiting in line for a coffee. All of the girls in the shop have run over to him and are fangirling to the max.

You sink down in your chair trying to hid because you were nervous, and felt like you didn't look pretty enough to even be in the same room as him when there were plenty of more beautiful girls in the world.

You try to bury yourself back into your school work. Just as you were finally getting back into the zone you felt a pair of eyes on you. You immediately look up and into a beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes. You and Shawn held eye contact for a little bit to long for your liking. You glance back down to your computer dropping eye contact and start to blush fiercely.

At this point you were to flustered to even pretend to be working. As your thoughts went all over the place you heard someone clear their throat. You look up and see none other than Shawn Mendes himself standing next to you with a nervous expression. 

"I-I was wondering if you wanted a picture," he says blushing. "Umm yeah I would it's just that well umm I'm not really dressed for taking a picture with a superstar," you reply. "I don't want to hear those words come out of your mouth ever again. You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen, and I've seen plenty of girls. Now hand me your phone," he says seriousness was written on his face.

Taken back by the fact that he had just called you gorgeous you hesitantly hand him your phone after unlocking it. He gladly takes it from you and goes to your camera. He leans next to you while you continue to sit on your chair, and smiles one of his award winning smiles as you smile too. He takes the picture then looks back at your phone.

He holds it in his hands and does something with it. "What are you doing?" you ask. "I'm following you on all of your social media accounts and adding my number to your phone as well," he replies. You sit there shocked. He finally hands you back your phone and says, "Don't tell anyone that I gave you my number. It'll be our little secret. I just really want to see you again," he says.

You are only able to nod since a little part of you died at what he had just said. "Bye darling," he says walking away after giving you a wink.

"Am I dreaming right now? Because that would be a very cruel thing to do world," you whisper. You give yourself a hard pinch on the arm, but the world around you stays the same. "Guess I'm not, but now I won't be able to study for this test," you say letting out a little giggle.

Inspiration: Thinking about what I would do if I ever saw Shawn Mendes, What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction.

Shout out to justanothermendesfan. This has been in my head since we discussed what we would do in this situation. Thank you for the inspiration!

April 8 2017

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