Shawn Mendes---'Cause He Can't Change History

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Imagine being at the fast food restaurant that everyone always hangs out at after school.


"Oh no hide me, please," you say climbing under the table. "What's wrong?" Y/B/F/N asks. You grab both of your guy's backpacks, and use them to cover the end of the booth that was not already covered by the wall.

"Mendes at three o'clock," you hurriedly say. "Your over reacting," Y/B/F/N states.

She grabs your arm and tries to pull you up from your hiding place. "No I'm not," you say slapping at her hand that has a firm grip on your arm. She pulls at your arm with all of her strength, but you resist her with all of your strength. It turns into a tug of war your arm being the flag.

She has almost pulled you out from under the table when Shawn and his posse of boys start to walk up to where you two were sitting. Your best friend loosened her grip long enough for you to wiggle your arm free. When you have your arm back she glares at you, but you ignore her and try to shrink back under the table.

At the same moment Shawn arrives at your table. The boys who had walked into the restaurant with him have already gone off to their usual table. Shawn sees you positioned on the floor and smiles.

His smile confused you. It wasn't his typical evil smile. Instead it was a genuine happy smile.

"Hey Y/N," Shawn says still smiling. You were taken back by Shawn's politeness. Normally he would have called you a dreadful name instead of your actual name. One that would haunt you for the rest of he week at school.

He had never once been nice to you in the four years that You knew him. He was the bully that had used everything possible to pick on you since eighth grade. Why did he all of a sudden did he seem happy to see me? You questioned quietly to yourself.

You stayed kneeling on the floor trying to figure out why he was being sweet. As you tried to find out what his plan was your best friend suddenly grabbed a hold of your arm, catching you off guard.

She pulled your arm again trying to make you sit by her. This time you didn't fight back you actually helped her pull you onto the booth she was sitting in. You had decided that you didn't want Shawn and his group of friends to have another thing that they could use to make fun of you. Like for instance some kinda joke about why you were kneeling on the floor while your best friend was sitting in the booth.

Once you were sitting next to her you looked in Shawn's direction, but didn't dare to look him in the eyes. Instead you directed your attention to his huge biceps that you had to admit were went pretty well with his bad boy look. "Hey Shawn," you say trying to keep the shakiness in your voice to a minimum.

"So Y/N I was wondering if you would like to go out with me this Friday?" he asks you looking nervous. A confused look crosses your face, but you quickly mask it with a blank unreadable face. You did not want him to know that he had confused you, and  wind up putting yourself in a vulnerable position. You knew that was when he would strike.

You finally gather some courage and look him in the eyes. You don't see the usual hatred in them. You only see his beautiful chocolate brown eyes looking back at you.

You open your mouth to reject, but your best friend beats you to it. "She would love too," Y/B/F/N answers for you. "Great! Pick you up at seven," Shawn says happily. He walks away with a stupid grin plastered on his face.

As soon as he's gone you snap your head in your best friends direction, and stare at her in disbelief. "Don't act dumb I know that you like him despite what he has done to you in the past. I mean look at him anyone who doesn't think that he's dreamy has a screw loose in their brain," you open your mouth to make a comment, but she quickly cuts you off again, "Plus think of it this way people had their phones out recording you guys. If you had rejected him on the spot everyone would know and it would spread around school like wild fire. Then he would really hate you. You would have ruined his school credit as the one boy who can get any girl he wants. Based on his looks that is. His personality sucks, but maybe you can change that," she winks at you then continues, "I mean you can always say no to going on another date with him, but it would have been the end of you if you had rejected him just now," Y/B/F/N says like it was that simple. She then goes back to her meal that she felt had gotten rudely interrupted.

You couldn't help but glance at Shawn's table. He was looking at you with that stupid grin still on his face. You couldn't help but snicker at the fact that your bully had asked you out, and that he seemed genuinely happy about it.


Inspiration: The small snippet of the song What if I told you a story that Shawn Mendes released on Instagram, I believe.

*If you look up What if I told you a story Shawn Mendes on YouTube it will pull up the video. If you haven't already listened to it you should. It is amazing, but then again all of songs are amazing. He is amazing. Anyways he really needs to release the song already. I want to hear the full version of it, but you know him he wants to make it perfect first.*

February 27 2017

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