Matthew Espinosa---Maybe I'm Just A Kid In Love

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Imagine going to Magcon to suprise your boyfriend while he's on tour.


You get woken up extra early in the morning by the sound of your alarm clock going off. You roll over to face it, and slam your hand down on it to turn it off.

You're about to go back to sleep when you remember why you set your alarm to wake you up on Saturday. You're going to go surprise, Matthew, your boyfriend at his upcoming Magcon event a couple of hours away.
You wipe your eyes, and get out of your bed. You go to your closest, and grab your favorite outfit out of it. You quickly put it on, and throw your boyfriend's hoodie over top.

You grab your phone, and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and your hair. You then write a note telling your parents that you had left, and grab your keys. You walk out of your house, and to your car.

You pull out of your driveway, and turn on the radio. You sing along to the music as you drive the couple of hours.

You park the car in a empty space, that had been hard to find, and walk towards a special entrance that was typically only used by the boys, but Cameron had told the security guard that you would show him a special pass so you could get in without any problems. You walk up to the door, and hold up your pass. The security guard nods and opens the door for you.

You walk in, and text Cameron to tell him that you're here. He immediately texts back saying that he would come get you. "Y/N! How's my favorite girl?" Cameron says walking up towards you. "Long time no see buddy," you say giving him a friendly hug.

"Okay so this is what we are going to do. Taylor's already working on distracting Matthew, so we want you to smack cam him as your way of surprising him," Cameron whispers acting like a spy on a mission. You laugh a little at how crazy the guys are then you say, "What do I smack him with?" Cameron holds up a bottle of hotel conditioner. You hold out your hand, and Cameron pours some into your hand.

"Come on," Cameron says. You follow him down a narrow hallway. You start to hear your boyfriend's familiar voice. "Here's my phone," Cameron whispers.

You take it from him, and whisper into it, "Smack cam." You run towards Matthew and smack the conditioner on his face. "What the- Y/N?" Matthew says smiling. He runs towards you and hugs you.

"Surprise," all of the boys say coming out from there hiding places. "I missed you, so the guys helped me find a way to surprise you," you say smiling.

"But you live so far away," he says. "No distance would keep me from seeing you. Plus I got up at like four this morning, so yeah," you say pulling away from his hug.

"Enough with the reunion. We got a show to do," Nash says. "Wait here I'll be back soon," Matthew says hugging you again. "I'll be right here," you call as he walks away with the biggest smile you have ever seen on his face.


Inspiration: I don't know. It just kinda came to me in a daydream.

March 6 2017

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