Shawn Mendes---Video Imagine: Lucky Winner

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Interviewer: So Shawn we have a surprise for you

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Interviewer: So Shawn we have a surprise for you.

Shawn: Hit me with it.

Interviewer: We had a contest to see who we thought was a good enough singer to do a duet with you.

Shawn: Okay.

Interviewer: On this iPod that I'm about to hand you is the wining contest singing your song Stitches. Tell us what you think.

( The interviewer hands Shawn the iPod. He puts the ear buds in his ears and starts the song. )

Shawn: I thought that I've been hurt before, but no one's ever left me quite this sore- Mhmmm this is really good. Who ever did this really has talent. And now that I'm without your kisses I'll be needing stitches- ( Video above ) Oh wow she hit that really high note I could never sing that high.

( He takes out the ear buds when the song is over )

Shawn: That girl has some amazing talent.

Interviewer: So would you do a duet with her of this song?

Shawn: Yeah totally!

Interviewer: You heard it folks Shawn Mendes is going to do a duet with a fan.

Shawn: What is the fans name?

Interviewer: The lucky fans name is Y/F/N Y/L/N!

Shawn: Congratulations Y/F/N Y/L/N I can't wait to sign with you!

March 26 2017

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