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- Four Years Later -

Snow fell from the grey sky, softly landing upon the windows ledge. Mercy looked out from the bedroom window out onto the empty street, she forgot how much she missed this place. Everything was the same when she returned home, four long years ago. Mercy sat in her old room, she was to big for her bed and her small dresser was filled with clothes that were to small for her now. Yet, she slept in her mothers old room, it still smelt like her which was a great comfort for Mercy.

A loud knock echoed through the house, Mercy jumped up making her way downstairs and towards the white front door. A man stood out front covered in snow, he held out a single rose and read off a clipboard.

'Are you Mercy Langton?'


'I have an order of a single red rose, shipped to your house twenty four hours ago' the man grinned

'Oh, er, okay?'

'Sign here, please' he said sticking out the clipboard and a pen

Mercy quickly signed the sheet before bidding goodbye to the delivery man. She dug through the cupboards looking for a vase, after a few minutes of searching she grabbed the first vase she saw. Filling it half way with water, Mercy gently placed the rose into vase as she noticed a small slip of paper sticking out from a petal. Picking it up and examining the moist slip of paper, she read the smudged writing.

'I hope you still think of me'

Mercy frowned, who could possibly want to send her a flower? Who would hope she still thought about them? Mercy peered out the window, looking to see if anybody was watching.

The street still remained as empty as it had before. Many people flashed through her mind, it couldn't of been her father, he was probably dead by now. It surely couldn't of been Newt, he was traveling the world alone, probably in Canada by now.

Mercy moved the vase to the middle of the small kitchen table. Content with her handy work she marched over to the bae window and flopped down, moving the curtains out of the way to enjoy the view of the snowy street. Winter was one of Mercy's favourite seasons, besides fall of coarse. She loved the cold and the snow, she loved Christmas and all the decorations her neighbours would put out. She smiled staring out, a little girl had waddled out of her house and onto the front lawn. She fell to the ground and began making snow angles, her parents rushed out after her with giant smiles on their faces.

Mercy missed her parents, her sister and even Newt. The only thing she had control of was leaving Newt behind, even if she didn't want to she knew it was the best solution. The picture and frame he had boughten her in New York sat in the living room on one of the side tables, it matched perfectly with all the furniture. Mercy wondered if he did that on purpose and happened to remember what her living room looked like, if he wanted everything to match. He always complemented how everything matched, said it looked better when everything had a pair. There was always one bright yellow picture that sat alone against the wall, it was a picture of Mercy the day she got her Hogwarts letter. Later, after Newt saw the lonely picture he bought a bright red frame and placed it next to the yellow one.

Mercy laughed and told him about how he said everything had to match and looked better with a pair. He only smiled at her, fixing the cricked frame he placed on the wall he said,

'They don't necessarily have to match to be a pair' he shrugged throwing an arm around her.

Mercy remember everything he had told her, every lie and every truth. She missed him, even if she didn't want to admit it. She had been strong ever since she decided to grow up, she wasn't going to give up so easily. Mercy knew what was best for her and since she had no one else to tell her otherwise, she had no choice but to listen to her conscience.

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