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Mercy sat on the floor in front of the living room window, staring out onto the empty street. She was waiting for the deliver man, hoping he'd come back with more roses for her. Now that she knew her grandmother was telling the truth and that he really was back and sending her notes made her appreciate the gesture. Was he to scared to see her again so he decided that this was a better tactic? Why not just send one note with 'I'm back and want to see you again' or something simple? Although, Mercy had learned that Newt wasn't as easy to figure out as he was before.

'What are you doing?'

Mercy turned around to see Alice making herself comfortable on the couch, she smiled leaning back.

'Waiting for the post' Mercy shrugged

'You know it's that boy, you miss him. Don't you?'

'Perhaps' Mercy mumbled turned back to the window

Soft purrs erupted from beside Mercy, Archie jumped up onto her lap before settling in a ball. Mercy smiled gently petting the tiny creature, another purr escaped his lips.

'He's an adorable little thing, isn't he?'

Mercy chuckled nodded in agreement staring down at her new little life friend. Giving up, Mercy stood up and marched to the kitchen to make lunch. Alice slowly followed behind her, curious to see how she would do it. Mercy pulled out some bread and all the ingredients to make a baloney sandwich.

'You do know your a witch, right?' Alice spoke loudly


'Use magic to make a sandwich then, it's much easier and saves time, that's my opinion' Alice explained

'Time is meant to be wasted, isn't it? There is going to be a time where we all die and in between it we're all just wasting the time' Mercy shrugged smearing butter across a slice of bread. Alice huffed shoving Mercy out of the way, flicking her wand the knife came to life and began prepping the sandwich.

The doorbell rang. Mercy leaped towards the door, aggressively swinging it open. Nobody stood on the cement porch, Mercy looked around confused 'the doorbell went off, didn't it?' Mercy called

'Yes, but then again I do need a hearing aid, darling' Alice called back

Mercy huffed looking around, finally looking down at her feet with disappointment she saw the single red rose laying on its side. She bent over, picking it up she raced back into the house placing it with the others as she did everyday.

'Another one, I see' Alice grinned 'I didn't hear the post man'

'Nobody was there, it was laying on the porch'

'I see he's delivering them himself now' Alice said

'Do you really think so?'

'Mercy, honey. Am I ever wrong?' She smiled placing a finished sandwich in front of Mercy before exiting the room. Mercy grabbed the piece of parchment that was tightly tucked in between two red petal, she gently unraveled it.

'Everyone has an addiction, mine happens to be you'

Mercy smiled. The handwriting was much neater then it had been last time, like he just wrote it to avoid the smudges. Mercy rushed up to her room, forgetting about her sandwich she grabbed a box from her closet, she added the note with the others. Still smiling she made her way back downstairs to the kitchen. Archie sat beside his milk bowl, purring and hitting the metal. Mercy grabbing a carton of milk from the fridge and quickly filled up the bowl and watched the little kitten drink up half of it.

Placing the milk back into the fridge she wandered off into the living room. Laying down on the couch she stared at the picture frame of her and Newt that sat on the side table. Archie ran around the couch before hopping up onto it and curling up to her side, Mercy chuckled petting him. She began thinking about her little friend, how big was he going to get? How old do cats usually live and what if he tries to run away? Don't all animals end up running away?

Mercy's thoughts were erupted when Alice came rushing into the room.


Mercy sat up staring at her grandmother, her eyes were wide and she was panting.

'Yes, are you okay?'

'Grindelwald had been kill' she smiled


'Albus Dumbledore killed him!'

'Didn't he want all muggles to die or something?' Mercy asked forgetting on why he was evil, she never really payed attention after catching him in New York. She thought he was done for.

'Something like that, yes' Alice sat beside Mercy 'Great for that Albus Dumbledore'

Mercy nodded laying back down, was it really good for Dumbledore? Yes, he was saving the world from something horrific but he committed murder. And Mercy knew horrific things, people occurred everyday. It's just a matter of time before another one is created.

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