Do you want to know what most girls are like?
They look the same, feel the same and act the same.
That is what they want.
They thrive on the common beauty,
And look with disdain at individuality.
Their main point, when questioned about this, is,
"Everyone does this, so,
It's right."These girls, I think, have never seen the beauty of a wildflower.
A wildflower will make the heart beat twice as fast as normal,
And will make the average thrive to be unique.
The wildflower will not want to be picked,
Only for its beauty to be admired until it whithers.
No, the wildflower paves it's own way.
She laughs at the people who talk behind her back, because she knows that,
They must be behind her first, for them to talk behind her back.
The wildflower is the epitome of beauty, and she relies on no mirror on the wall to tell her that.Girls, should be raised like wildflowers.

The Poetical Poems And Short Stories
PoetryInspired by some of the greatest poets, The 'Poetical Poems And Short Stories', holds all of the old ingredients of beautiful poetry, while adding some modern twists in for the readers enjoyment. From love, to hate, life to death, joy to sadness, t...