YOU are my paradox.
The mirror of confusion that I face each day.
You are the letter that I will never throw away but.
You just hurt too much to read.
You are like a beautiful piece of silk, tangled into
The most complex knots.
I just want to sit with the silk for my whole life, and untangle it.
I want to piece the puzzle together, and see what it becomes.
You are my paradox, but I want to be free.
Because you are me, and I am you.
I want to figure the mystery of you out, because,
You are the most complex, beautiful mystery I will ever find.
Every piece I put together, and every knot I untangle,
I find another knot, more complex than the previous.
And this motivates me even more, because,
you are my paradox.
The one bit of confusion that I don't understand.
But that I love all the same.

The Poetical Poems And Short Stories
PoésieInspired by some of the greatest poets, The 'Poetical Poems And Short Stories', holds all of the old ingredients of beautiful poetry, while adding some modern twists in for the readers enjoyment. From love, to hate, life to death, joy to sadness, t...