Chapter 1

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"...and with that, thank you so much for this meeting. I expect us to get along as business partners, Mr. Orange." I smiled as we shaked hands.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Sk-"

"It's only Miss Dash, Mr. Orange, Not Mrs." I smiled bitterly. His facial expression changed, both confusion and concerned mixed up.

"Y-you're not married? But you have a son-"

"Mommy!!!" A familiar voice called my name and bursts into the meeting room.

It's my lil 5 year old squirt, Blue Skies. He has pale skin with rosy cheeks, freckles and a cute lil smile. He has navy hair with a Rainbow streak at the right side of his messy disheveled hair. He hugged me tight and Mr. Orange chuckled, "Ah, kids. Such precious beings, ain't it right?" And smiled.

Blue let go and played around in the meeting room," Y-yeah." I replied.

"I heard from Apple Jack, I'm very sorry. I assume that you're still getting used of being a young mother and the CEO of your grandmother's company?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, "I had help from others." After that he gestured Blue messing with the projector and I immediately rushed to him,"Blue, sweetie please don't touch that! It's mommy's stuff and what did I tell you about touching mommy's stuff?"

"Mommy will get upset!" He replied.

"That's right! Now go to Quibble Pants ok? Don't escape from him again, behave for mommy ok? After this, we'll go to aunt Sapphie's place ok?" I ruffled his hair as he nods and runs back to the exit. But someone else opened the door, "Blue! Oh my God, there you are! You're mother's gonna get me fired if you ran away like that-ah...hello Ma'am. I'm very sorry if you think I'm not taking care of Blue the way you asked me to." He averted his eyes.

"No need Quibble, can you two wait outside while I talk with Mr. Orange?" I asked. I forgot to tell you that my secretary is named Quibble Pants. Or Pantsuit as I tease him. He could be mistaken as the CEO cause of his height but so far as a newly hired secretary, he does a very good job and offers to take care of Blue whenever he got out of daycare school. He's reliable I can tell you that.

"I guess I will be leaving now, I expect nothing less from the granddaughter of Crystal Rainbow. Thank you for this opportunity." He bid goodbye and left the meeting room.

I packed all of my things and leave my mom in charge of the company while I hang out with my son. Of course accompanied by my secretary in case something urgent is happening then he can fill me in. The three of us headed towards the elevator and went down the basement floor where the parking lot is. We went to my car and drove to Sapphire's restaurant, hoping it's still open cause I think it's a bit late. As I drive the car, Quibble let Blue watch some weird sports anime called haikyuu. Of course I approve cause, it's related to sports, though the thought of the internet shipping the main characters there is something I should open up to my child when he gets older.

Still, Quibble has been filling up the father role of Blue's life. All I wanted is for Blue to grow up a normal life, no heartbreaking revelations or whatsoever. I asked Quibble if he's ok with it, and he gladly volunteered since he's seeing himself as Blue. I forgot that his Dad impregnate his mother and left her for an affair.

Finally, we arrived at Sapphire's restaurant, which she worked hard for 3 years and with the help of her-wait for it-fiancé, yes y'all heard it right, fiancé, they raised this beautiful and sea themed fairytale like restaurant at canterlot avenue.

I parked at the designated parking lot, and all of us got outta the car. I see the lights are still on and I can see the staff cleaning up. One of the staff, which is none other Zephyr himself, saw me and immediately opened the door, "Heyyyyya Dashie! Wazzup Pantsuit-"

"It's Quibble Pants, Zephyr." He cut him off. My mouth almost twitched.

"Whateves, and lookie what we have here! Baby Blue!" He exclaimed as he expands his arms, gesturing what it seems to be a hug.

"Uncle Zee!!" Blue hugged him back.

"Hey Bitch, long time since you've visited us. How's the partnership with the Oranges?" There stood a mature, haggard hair, but still looking badass as ever Sapphire Skies-soon to be Breeze. She still looked cool and had gotten more elegant as ever, how come restaurant work is not stressful to her? Maybe I should've inherited my family's diner instead lol. As if handling a business company is stressful enough.

"You don't speak that language in front of my son's innocent presence, woman."

"Ah, he's bound to learn that as he grows up anyways!"

"Still, he's five years old and too young for curse words." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah yeah, Blue is trained enough not to say those words. This is the only time I curse in front of him, geez mom. Anyways, I'll whip y'all some meal, I'm pretty sure you're dying to eat at our place again." She smirked as she gestured us three inside her restaurant.

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