Chapter 9 (SPECIAL)

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Soarin pov

That asshat irritates me the most. He's always around Dash whenever I try to approach her, like he owns her. Not only that, he acts like husband towards her. Everyone in the office says that they're just really close friends, but to me, I feel like they're more than that. I stood up from my workdesk, grabbed my coffee mug and proceeded to the kitchen, then I hear laughter. I peeped, and there they are, laughing around like a bunch of teenagers.

"Hey, I wanted to thank you for working so hard. I realized I haven't rewarded you for your patience and kindness with both me and my son, so how about we could go out later to dinner? I asked Fluttershy to take care of Blue, so are you in?" Did I just heard her right? She just asked him out? Right now, I feel depressed. I feel tight around my chest when I saw her happy with the company of someone else. Sometimes I wish, it should've been me. Well, I can't blame Dash for being hating me because I left her. I wished...I should've fight for her. I wished, I should've stayed and rushed to find her...instead, I left everything and everyone. Including her. If you ask me, did I love her still? You damn right I still do, and I am willing to do what it takes for her to trust me again.

"Hello? Earth to Quibble?" I try to keep an ear to their conversation. I hid behind the pillar near to the kitchen where they cannot see me.

 "Oh? Ah, I must've spaced were saying something?"

 "Well, I was thinking of us going out to dinner? At Pegasus Hills, What do you think?" She said in a cheerful tone, in her voice I could even sense that she's smiling. My heart sank.

 "Is my boss asking me out on a date?" He said in a teasing manner which makes me more irritated.

 "D-Dumbass, its a dinner, not a date! I am rewarding my most trusted, hard-working secretary and aka my best friend to one of the finest restaurants in the city!" I hear her stammer. The guy laughed. She used to call me dumbass or idiot before, now she's doing that to someone else.

 "Then as your most trusted, hard-working secretary, aka your best friend, I will gladly accept your gift." He said and as I peeked, he brushed off a piece of hair that's hanging from her face. She smiled so warmly at him. I looked away and sat down on the floor, trying my best to keep it together and to stay calm or else I might never see her again.

"Soarin." I looked up to where the voice originated and its actually one of Dad's spies. The best of the best he says, on the outside he may look jolly and friendly, but in the inside he's a total fake, and his main goal is to bring down Rainbow Corp as Father ordered by giving him information and to steal the clients of the industry. Because father said I deserve to own this company by myself and not Dash. But I wouldn't let that happen. So I applied to be in the marketing team to keep an eye on him.

"Agent Kelly. I'm warning you, don't even think about taking down the company. I'm keeping an eye on you." I said in a serious tone.

"Noted. Although, I'm also keeping an eye on you as said so by your father. He congratulates you for gettin in to the company and he says to earn Miss Dash's trust again. His orders." I grabbed his collar and hissed at him.

"Do you really think she would trust me again? Naturally not. You don't even know what it feels like, what I have been going through. And tell Father that I am not following him anymore and I am gaining her trust so I could get my family back, do you fucking understand?" I gritted my teeth. He just looked at me with a nonchalant expression and calmly, he replied.

"Would you want the whole thing to happen again?" Just like that I let go. No, please no...anything but that...she had enough...

"I won't report this to Sir, however, orders are orders too. I also have a family and I would do anything for their safety, surely you would do the same thing too, right?" Just like that I sighed and went back to my desk, coffee-less.

Right after that, I saw Quibble carrying her to her office. I gave him a cold, hard stare from the back and surely enough, he saw it as he looked back.

"Got a concern, Mr. Skies?" He asked with a cheery tone, but I can tell that its fake. I turned my chair around,"Oh nothing, nothing at all." I simply replied.

He just shrugged,"See you later at the meeting at 2 then." He shut the sliding door and went to his desk which is near Dash's office is. I went back to work after that. I sighed.


My alarm rang.

I didn't realized time would be this fast, its already 10 minutes before the meeting. I quickly got up and grabbed my laptop, my phone then I walked quickly to the elevator because the meeting room is at 5th floor. I saw the elevator door closing so I quickly tapped on it so it own't close. On to my surprise, she's in the elevator too.

She looked at me in surprise but quickly changed expression. She moved aside to give some room and I got in. She pressed the close button and we just stood there, quietly. And, awkwardly.

I coughed, "What is the agenda of the meeting?" I asked.

She just looked at me with a bored expression,"I'm not supposed to discuss meeting matters in private with employees, Soarin. I'll meet you to the meeting room, get the other board members ready, I'll be right there in a minute." She said and gestured me to the doorway, ah, its opened. I got out and soon after, the elevator door closed.

I entered the meeting room with others already panicking about what's the urgent meeting about. I sat down a seat near Agent Kelly who is just calming down the other board members. I see that Quibble isn't around either.

Are they together?

My thoughts were interrupted when the board members stood up and greeted Dash followed by Quibble. He sat down a seat across me and gestured everyone to take a seat and the meeting is on session.

There was a momwnt of silence, but I could feel everyone's nervousnes about this meeting. Why is everyone nervous?

Suddenly, she slammed the table it made everyone startled. Her expression changed from suspicion to anger. I forgot how scary she is when she's seriously angry.

"Well, guess what? For over the past year our sales seemed to drop a bit slowly and it has improved since we agreed Mr. Soarin Skies to be part of the business. Well isnt that darn good? I find it suspicious. Apparantly, Some little spies is stealing my clients again. This has been happening for over a year now and I am not keeping silent no more. Alas, I have two prime suspects to begin with, as Mr. Diablo declined my offer days ago because he thought that The Skies Corp's furniture designs are much more "extravagant" than ours. And as I skimmed the designs, it was our designs for him. Who in the fucking hell is this spy you ask? I'm about to ask the same thing. Whoever you are, I have your family to tell me the whole truth right outsidd the meeting room and if you don't tell me the fucking truth, they will. Don't be alarmed, Skies doesn't know about this and I vow the highest protection will be given to them after the confession. Now, can you please stand up?" She gestured the room. Nobody dared to stand up or speak.

I tried to look at Agent Kelly, his face has turned pale and from the looks of it he's about to break anytime soon.

What are you gonna do Dash?

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