Chapter 12

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"You seem happy on a Monday, what's the ocassion?" Fluttershy asked. We're sitting in my office just stapling files for the team building next week. This time it's the finance team, which is in my area.

"Oh it's nothing to fuss about! What's wrong about Mondays?"

"Usually you look dreadful on Mondays. It's about Quibble isn't it?" She questioned back.

"No..?" I tried not to look away. But my giggly obnoxious voice failed me from saving myself.

She slammed the table,"SHUT.UP. I mean, No way! He confessed already??? Omg!! I knew that this is bound to happen! So how do you feel?" She asked, all excited for my answer.

I shushed her because people outside my office might hear it, after that we giggled.

"I-I don't know...I like him, and it's been a while since I've felt like this sincerely, I told him I'm gonna give this possible 'us' a chance. But I'm also afraid too." I told Fluttershy. She smiled warmly and cupped both of my hands.

"Oh Dashie, You deserve this! You deserve to be loved again. Everybody deserves a redemption at anything, including loving someone else." I smiled as she said that.

"Besides, your son drew a picture of you, him and Quibble and said it's his family. Who knows, maybe he'll call your secretary best friend, 'Dad'-"

"Oh God Fluttershy, stoooopp!" I cut her off. I could feel my whole entire face go red, she just chuckled.

"Haha, kidding! Anyways, it's the finance team next right?" She asked while going back to work.

"Hmm? Oh yeah." I replied.

"I know the whole finance team-but can you handle two men who are eager to fight for you?" I was confused as hell as she said that. I looked at her.

"What do you mean? I mean there are plenty of males in my department. There's Quibble, Oakley, Cyan, Larry, Patrick, Wes and Soarin...--wait, is that what you were referring? Quibble AND Soarin? Hah! Flutters, don't make me laugh, if that bearded bastard of a man still loves me then how come he hasn't made a move yet?" I wiped the laughing tears from my eyes. But she looked dead serious. "What now?" I asked.

"Dash, do you know why he suggested to implement a team building of each department? I think because he wanted to be close to you but he wants to make it look normal, like it's for the company. You know what I mean? I know you're giving Quibble a chance, I'm not asking for him, I'm asking for you...will you give Soarin a chance of redemption of himself?" I didn't dare to speak. Here, my childhood bestfriend, asking me to give that man who left me as his choice and said that he doesn't love me anymore as his last words. I am tired of getting hurt.

"If he wants to earn my trust he has to be honest and tell me the whole truth. Except he didn't. Why did he leave me? Why did he suddenly engaged to Rari-who-know-what-it's-name-because-she-broke-Thunderlane's-heart? And why did he sided with his bastard father who beat me up until I almost died? So tell me Fluttershy, hmm? If I happen to give him a second redemption, will he change?" I snapped. And I was shocked to what I just did. Fluttershy was taken aback but just sighed.

"It's up to him. That's the same thing I told him."


Soarin's POV (wow finally)

I talked with Fluttershy about everything. She's right, I need to explain everything to Dash. I wanted a chance of redemption. I wanted to prove to her this.

For now, she's hostile to me. I can't think of ways for her to hold a normal conversation with me because of her resentment. I do understand her anger and hatred towards me, trust me, I do deserve to be hated for what I did. But now I'm determined to set things right before it's too late.

"Yo Skies, little birdie has been flying some juicy gossip around our department." Its Larry Baker, our records manager. I peered over my work desk and asked him about it.

"I've heard, that Quibble Pants, the CEO's secretary right? Yeah, he confessed to her over the weekends and apparently our CEO seems to have feelings for him too. I mean, with those two always together? Being the best duo here? Not to mention the years of friendship that started rock bottom, its no wonder if they suddenly started going out--Hey man, you okay?" I noticed I've broken my pencil in half with my hand. That's how angry and jealous I am.

Who the fuck does he think he is? One thing is for sure though, he never knew Dash like I did. The Dash I loved when we were kids, to teenagers and to adults, and the one I vowed to...he didn't experience any of that. So why did she...

"Hey, how long have they've been friends? And tell me details." I tapped Larry's shoulder.

"Ohohoho, see you getting interested in gossip now eh? Anyways, Quibble was a broke dude who, the former CEO of the Rainbow Corp. hired to be her granddaughter's bodyguard until she fully recovers from her pregnancy. Boss is quite open with us, her department, she told us she once considered putting little blue for adoption, Quibble staged an intervention with her. Since then, Quibble has this aura of a superman ya know? Being that highly intelligent and skilled secretary and like a protective bodyguard. Six years of friendship. Wanna know more?" I grimly smiled and sat down on my seat.

"Oh! Sorry Quibble, You must be eager to talk to Dashie about something aren't you?" From the distance I heard Fluttershy talking with Dash and Quibble. He turned red from what Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy, you're embarrassing him." I heard Dash say.

"Ma'am, if it's work then it's work nothing more to that. I simply wanna talk to my boss about the venue and final preparations for the team building next week." Wow. The chivalry. I rolled my eyes at him.

You won't get to spend time with her, you've had six years already.

My turn.

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