Chapter 13

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So hi, I'm back from a long hiatus

College preparations and sorts so I got busy but,


Dash's POV

"Listen up nerds! Like the last team building of the Advertisement team, boys and girls have their own section of bedroom. There are various activities planned for the finance and marketing team that can 'enlighten' their strengths and weaken their weaknesses. Also, no wandering off the island. I'm telling you this because you're adults, not wandering children. Lastly...-"

"Lets have fucking fun!" Quibble cut me off. They all cheered except Soarin. I looked at Quibble for cutting me off. He just winked, I could feel my face heat up but I just rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah uh thanks for cutting me off little bitch, that's a deduction for you! see you later." I warned.

"Counting on that, Boss!" He grinned. Everyone just giggled at us. I gave them the stare and they started loading stuff in the van.

We all hopped in the van, girls in the first van and boys in the second van. The luggage is with us while they have the food and necessities. We drove off.

It's pretty quiet inside the van, the girls are either on their headphones, sleeping or chatting quietly.

I tried to lighten the mood,"What do you wanna do in the evening later ladies?" My voice seemed to catch their attention. They started asking questions.

"Are you and secretary Quibble dating?"

"Are you secretly in a relationship with secretary Quibble?"

"How did you two confess??"

"Did you two kissed??"

"Girls." Spitfire warned. They piped down. She chuckled at me. "Oh please, not you too Spitfire."

"We're serious! Ha ha, tell us the juice!" And they all looked at me, expecting an answer. I'm sweating real bad. I know that I am very close with my department, but not to the point that I'm sharing something personal like love life or whatnot.

"What you saw earlier is how we normally interact, okay? I thought you all are used to it already! Don't make me use the brakes!" My voice almost cracked, I'm not used to anyone not defending me. Where's Fluttershy when I need her?? Oh yeah I forgot, she's at her vet today. Dang it!

Pamela chimed in, "Nuh uh, today seems different than your usual. You usually have something to fireback if he ever grins, you just rolled your eyes! So naturally we suspect something's going on. Plus the rumors that he confessed to you and whatnot-"

"Who told you that? Is it Larry?" I cut her off after hearing that rumor part. Larry is not only the records manager, but that person who gossips as his other job. You gotta be cautious with him sometimes, but he's a genius employee so I have no right to complain unless he knows something important he doesn't tell me. I'm not saying he isn't a trustworthy guy, I meant to say he's just cheeky and sly.

"So its true?? Omg!! I mean, we've been speculating that since day one ya'know? So kill us with details!!" She whined. They were waiting for my response.

"It's not true okay? Whatever everyone is saying, me and Quibble are best friends and that's it, got that? For now, the love life I have is with my cute son."

"That looks exactly like Sir Soari-" Spitfire nudged and glared at Heidi. She quickly realized it and apologized afterwards. I told her it's okay and there was silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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