Chapter 2

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It really does feel like the sea is here. The sound system plays the crashing waves and the palette color of the whole beach themed resto is navy blue, white and grayish white. Elegant and peaceful. Feels like a vacation home here.

While Zephyr leads the two boys in a table, Saph dragged me to her kitchen with a serious face on.

"Dash, I have to tell you something serious." From the tone of her voice, it means serious business.

I felt nervous," What's wrong? Are you pregnant?" I joked just to lighten her mood. She hit my shoulder, "Hilarious."

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"When I picked up Blue from Daycare, I saw his car parked in front of the school. I felt nervous, so I called Zephyr to hurry up and pick us up. We managed to get away, but somehow while I was cooking lunch for Blue, I heard Blue laughed. And so is his. I rushed to Blue's table and I was not mistaken, he really is back. I asked Blue if he could play with Zeph so I can talk to him. He did, and this is how our conversation goes..."

Sapphire's pov.



"Don't. Soarin. You know the real reason I wanted to resent you. You abandoned me, left my best friend, and even left his responsibilities." I growled.

"Is that your kid? I never knew you and Zephyr got married." How fucking dumb is this douche???

I grabbed his suit and said, "How fucking dense you are you son of a goddamn asshole? He's the exact replica of you of course! He's your kid! You and Dash's son! The one YOU left behind!! Do you honestly expect that you can get closer to him? Don't get cocky. You may have everything but you will never win his heart. I will stop you from getting near my nephew. And I'm sure, Dash will do the same." I said, with boiling anger inside of me.

I saw his eyes grew wide, I'm sure he realizes how much he hurt Dash. He left her, and his only child. As Blue's aunt, I vowed to protect him, from my so called father and to his own shitty father.

"How old is he...?" He managed to say.

"He's 5. It's been six years since you left Dash. And I see that you've replaced her with her own so called backstabbing bitch friend of hers, rarity." I let go of his suit and crossed my arms.

"'s a long story...I don't think you'll want to hear it..."

"I'm already sick of you, but since I want to know everything, start from the beginning."

"You see, father...knew about our engagement. He quickly took action after me and Dash's trip to Miami. Without my knowledge, he ordered his men to kidnap her and held her captive unless I call off the engagement and inherit the company instead. If I don't, he threatened that he'll bring Dash's grandma's business down to bankruptcy, her father will go back to jail, and he'll kill her or make her a sex slave. Of course I wouldn't allow to do that, I tried so many ways for it not to happen, but I was also locked in my own room, left to think about everything. I love Dash...I would never do anything that can harm her...I really do love her...I don't want to leave her, I want to live with her...I want to figure out so many ways to avoid this...I don't to marry Rarity because she's also married...I also told Thunderlane everything and asked his permission...he doesn't like it but he approved likewise. They are still married and father doesn't know that. So everything about me and Rarity is all fake. I'm sorry for everything I have done. I left everything and everyone behind...including my own son and my only love..." he fell down to his knees and sobbed. I feel sorry for him...he's forced to do all of this because he's the eldest and the true successor of our company...this is why I decided to run away from that family and live with Fluttershy's family. They're the real family I've been looking for...

I kneeled down to his level,"Soarin...I will still not let you meet your son. However, I want you to think of a plan to get closer to Dash and end our father's cruelty once and for all, I will help you." I said. He lifted his head up, "R-really...?"

"Yes. Still no meeting your son unless you get closer to Dash and beat father at his own game. Make your real family proud."

He hugged me. It's been years since he's done that...

"Thank you...Princess. I forgot who my real family is. Thank you for slapping me back to reality..." he hugged me tighter. I hugged him back...I missed him so badly.

End of flashback

I told Dash everything except to the part when Soarin told the whole truth and the plan. I lied that I don't want to hear everything and shoved him outside my resto. I felt bad for lying to her...but it's the only chance Soarin could get.

Hopefully, he won't screw it this time.

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