Chapter 3.

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I still can't believe it. Now I need to hire security around my son. I told Quibble everything since he's the only one I can trust.

"Ma' it necessary?." He said.

"Quibble, I appreciate it...but if he happens to get close to Blue and hurts my son the way he did to me, I have to take drastic measures. And to think of Rarity being engaged to that jerk, it's unsettling and suspicious. I was there when Rarity and Thunderlane got married in Paris. So...did they get divorced and she decided to hook up with that guy? Kinda like a slut would do. Thunderlane deserved better." I said after I munch down some delicious garlic bread.

"Ma'am, would you like to hire an informant or men to investigate?" He suggested.

"It's a waste of time Quibs, besides, I want him out of my life, not meddle in it."

"Sorry ma'am. I was just trying to—oh, ma' got something on your lips...I will wipe it for you." He grabbed a tissue and wiped my lips. I felt my face heated up. Was there really something on my lips?? I felt embarrassed that my secretary had to notice it and even offered to wipe my lips.

"T-Thank you Quibble..." I said shyly.

"You're welcome ma'am, it's my pleasure." He smiled warmly. I forgot how good looking my babysitter secretary is, He has his usual messy brown boy band hair, perfectly defined jaw and those sharp blue eyes. Clearly you can also mistake him as a model with his figure too. There are times whenever I stare at him I get lost in his eyes—OK now is not the time to think about this.

"Ma'am? You ok there?" He knitted his thick brows in concern.

I shake my head,"No, I'm fine Quibble. Thank you for the concern." I smiled.

"Oh my, what's this?" A very annoying voice interrupted our conversation. Oh fuck, it's Saph. She's doing that devil smile of hers, I will remind myself that I should just leave Blue with Zephyr and not with her.

"It's called a conversation, have you heard of not interrupting?" I smiled flatly.

She laughed,"Gosh Dash, I was just kidding. Don't mean to ruin the mood." She grabbed a chair and sat with us.

"So, I also have some news. Bad news first." She said.

"Do you always ruin my mood? You're really enjoying this aren't you?" I glared at her.

"Oh please bitch, that's just my way of showing affection. Anyways, came to tell you that I've snuck into your laptop and found an interesting email." Then, she grabbed my laptop and cleared her throat to say the contents of that "interesting" email.

Rainbow Inc.,

I am here to inform you that I, Soarin Skies, shall ask permission to be business partners by holding a private meeting together along with your board. It would be a shame if you wouldn't come, as we found that in your company's shares, we own at least 15%, and we can explain that. Furthermore, I shall apologize for the short notice and sudden email.


Soarin Skies.

That fucking bastard. He fucking knew. Who the fuck told him??

"Who the fucking hell think he is?? How the hell does he know this?? Did someone told him?" I raged and slammed the table.

"I don't know, but I may have an idea, that good for nothing father of ours and his men might've told him. Because...of Blue. He's that 15% part, asides from the sorry Dash, you can't escape from him only wish is that, good luck for tomorrow's meeting. Don't bring Blue, let him stay with us." She tried to calm me down. I did, but deep down, I wanted to kill that man.

"What should I do..?" I felt restless.

"Hmmm, dress and act confidently. Act like your own bitch self, be cold and fake! Yes, that aura is definitely the best. I can help you." She offered.

"I'll give that a try, thanks..." I trailed off and turned towards Quibble.

"Will you stay by my side tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course ma'am! I'm with you till the end." He reassured.

Sapphire cleared her throat and gestured towards Blue and Zephyr who was already asleep.

"Awww.." I cried. They're really cute! I turned to Sapphire with a smirk.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing...when are you gonna give him a kid?" I teased. Ohhh and I hit the spot, she blushed furiously.

"I-It's not yet the time!!! Besides, he's been acting like a kid too!" She crossed her arms.

"Ohoho, I should tell you that sex is fun. Although I don't want to admit it, your brother is really best in bed." I continue to tease her.

"OH GOD, DASH PLEASE! DONT GET ME STARTED!" She continued to blush more and also stuttered.

"Hahahahahaha, Oh you lil Sapphie, I was just kidding! That's what you get for ruining my mood all night." I laughed.

"Ugh...I don't know if I'm ready to have a kid with him...Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I don't know if he's ok with having a kid." Her tone sounded stressed.

"Just ask him, I'm pretty sure a guy like him would want to have a kid with someone as awesome as you." I hugged her.

"Thanks're the best sister I could've had." She hugged back.

After all that Quibble carried Blue into the car, and we drove home. Quibble lived with us because he's half our babysitter, don't ask, he insisted it.

After I parked the car inside the garage, he carried Blue upstairs to his room and tuck him in.

After that, we ready ourselves to bed and bid each other good night.

I plopped on my bed and wondered what am I gonna do tomorrow about this meeting with him.

"Soarin Skies, you're gonna fall into your own trap. I'll make sure of that."

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