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"Go! Go!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I hear my voice echoes as Casey kept running with the shotgun in her hands as she fumbled with putting the red shells into the gun.
"Maria are you behind me!?!" She screams out as I looked at her running figure. "Just go!" I yelled back as I stopped and turned around as I faced the beast.

The veins were popping out of his well toned muscles as I stayed in my stance. "Come on out, you beast" I growled as I kept my eyes at the tall buff man, who ran towards me.

I watched carefully as I kneeled down and sat down onto my legs, bowed my head, then put my fists onto my knees. I then heard the halt of rushed footsteps as I widen my eyes.

What the hell am I doing?

Then I heard and felt a harsh breath as I looked up with sorrowful eyes to only stare at the hunger of green to a ocean blue eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you, your known as Kevin Winston Krum, 24 personalities, who share the light of one mind" I say as I hear his deep harsh voice.

"Pure?" He points to my bare arms except one arm was starting become unwrapped showing the bloody mess of a long ago wound.

" You are not PURE!" He roars which made me flinch and rock back up to my toes and stepped back away from him.


He took one threatening step towards me as I took a step backward. I then narrowed my eyes, they were no longer holding the sorrow they were showing a second ago.

"Leave her alone," I hissed as I turn on my heel on a snap and ran towards the caged fence door, where Casey was on the other side of the closed door. I kept running in full speed as I passed through the steel fence as if wasn't even there. The dark haired girl widen her eyes as I looked back as the man.

"Casey snap out of it, just go!" I order as she followed to the end of the hall, to only meet a dead end.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Casey started screaming for help, In hopes of someone listening nearby. She then started to look for away out as I try as well.

Suddenly I hear the shotgun go off as I flinch and looked over to see the man climb onto the ceiling as he kicked out the lights that were illuminating the small hallway. Soon causing to become black.

"Please....." I whispered

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