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I was sprawled onto the couch as I groaned while listening to a lecture of a new plan. "....So when see the dead bodies always take out the zydrate within, got it?" Rotti explained as he limped around. "Come on man, I get it Largo. Can I go now?" I groaned.

"Alright, alright.... But bring your stuff with you" I stopped and looked at him with a knowing look. "Don't I always" I smirked at him while I walked out of the room. I had been working here since I was little. You know a child can be curious when entering a new place, a new city. But in my case, my exploring was the thing that brought me to my mother's family. The boss of this place saw my performance grow when working here. That he put me on the position with my uncle. This was the time before my baby cousin was born or even thought about, it wasnt until I turned 9 was Shilo born. But Marney had died after Shilo was born.
After Marney's death, I watched over Shilo as if she was my own child. My uncle however died 2 years later after being shot death.
I was left alone to take care of Shilo, trying to find her cure. But ever since my uncle's death, I worked here until now.

I walked out of the building as I brought my leather jacket flaps to block out the wind. I turned right as I follow the river that littered the horizon. I smiled at the dark river that held only the darkness within it. While I walked on, I stopped to see a gated place.

Oooh when theres a gated place,make sure you have security, I get really curious about the whole gated places

I thought as I look both ways before crossing the road. Even in the darkness I can tell the gates was locked. I narrowed my eyes while I grin and started to put my hands into the gaps while I got footing onto the gate before scaling it. I jumped down onto the other side as I crouched.

What is this place?

I stood up and started to look around as I entered a building whose door was opened wide for anyone to pass through it. I shoved it for me to enter while I walked down a couple of steps forward before closing the door. Behind me.

God damn have some lights

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a hidden small flashlight with a pressed button underneath as the bright led light shined up. I then grabbed my well hidden pistol. Who knows anything can be down there.

I swung my light around as I notice a small room where a large black cage stood opened with the black bars created like a zoo cage. I flashed my light inside the cage to find just dirt. I scoffed and shook my head. I suddenly heard noises coming from down the hall that lead into a more dark hallway.

I swung my gun around and slowly walked into the hallway. The hallway was lit by the small ceiling lights that hung above the old cavern. I got halfway where I notice a set of lockers. I turned off my light and put it away but still kept my gun out. I was about to step forward but stopped when dust fell above me.

What the fuck?

I jumped back and looked up as I notice a hole that lead up to the ceiling. Huh? I jumped up into the cavity as I lift myself up and notice it lead down to another a vent way. I crawled onto my belly as dust started to attach on my clothes.

Man they need to clean these things out this is nasty.

I finally make it to the other vent only a few lights were peaking out as I look through it. There from what I can tell was a dark haired girl sitting alone on a cot. I leaned toward but suddenly slipped as I crashed down onto the boards which let's out like a snap of branch. I hit the solid ground as I groan in pain. But on the way down I heard a gasp then a familiar voice.


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