Chapter 15

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He left me there on the beach alone. I heard the car leave, but didn't know what to do.

I sat there for hours. A cute guy came over and sat next to me.

"What's a beautiful girl doing out here this late?" I blushed.

"Long story... sorry who are you?" He smiled holding his hand out.

"Oh sorry, I'm Cole. Also I have all day you can tell me the story... I mean if you want, I know it might be personal." I grinned, oh my gosh stop smiling.

"Um really it's nothing I just was here with..."

"Hey! Kristen." Shawn shouted while running over. I looked at him then to Cole my new friend.

"Oh um, this is my boyfriend Shawn." Cole looked at Shawn suprised. They shook hands like I did.

"Uh, sorry to disturb you two... See you around Kristen." I waved while Cole left, if ever see him again.

"Who was that?"

"Oh just a worries guy. I was out here for a while by myself, and it's dark now. His name is Cole." Shawn's jaw clenched. I rolled my eyes rubbing my arms, being cold.

"Oh sorry I didn't bring anything warm. Here let me warm you up." I laughed falling into his arms.

The nights pasted by, we didn't talk. It was still comforting. Soon enough we had to go home.

We sat outside of our house. I wasn't excited for school tomorrow.

I finally got out of the car to the front door. I stood there while Shawn caught up.

"Hey sorry babe. I know the night didn't go as planned... Well, goodnight I love you." I smiled blushing as he kissed me.

"The night was perfect. I'll see you tomorrow." With that I went inside to my room. Throwing some comfy clothes on. Getting into bed felt nice, maybe tomorrow wouldn't be so bad.
My phone rang my alarm. I groaned hitting my phone.

My feet dragged me to the bathroom. After taking a shower, I brushed my hair on my way to my closet.

I picked out, a white cropped tank top, a Jean jacket, black jeans, Adidas, a ponytail, and natural makeup.

Throwing my phone into my little black purse, swinging it around my shoulder.

I heard a beeb outside my house. I looked out my window seeing Shawn tugged a smile in my face.

I grabbed a banana yelling goodbye to my parents. Shawn opened the door to his jeep. I jumped in Shawn doing the same soon after.

As we arrived to school I heard whistles. Shawn grabbed my hand, making me grin.

I was kind of popular, had lots of friends. I held parties most seasons. My social media's had a good amount of followers.

My first period was English with Shawn. He had his arm around my shoulder when we walked in.

"Hey girl! I see you guys are finally dating." Nikki spring out.

"Yes! I missed you so much!" We hugged, then getting seated. Of course Shawn sat next to me.

The door slammed open. Tyler walked on furious, with a black eye, bruised cheek, and busted lip.

I looked at Shawn a little mad. There was only a seat by me so Tyler sat there.

I whispered, "Hi!" He didn't answer, just staring out the window. What did Shawn do to him?!
Hey! Shawn definitely did something bad to Tyler! We have to find out. Also is Cole gonna be a big part of the story? We'll yup ok byeee!😂

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