Chapter 13

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How did he know I was here?

"Tyler why are you here?!" I starred dead in the eye. He needed to know I was stronger than I look.

I placed my hand on Shawn's. Tyler's eyebrow knitted, while his fisted were turning white.

Tyler pushed me off when chair making me hit my hear on the wall. I rubbed my face.

When I opened my eyes, Shawn was on the floor. Tyler was punching him on top.

I ran over to them, pushing hand into Tyler's shoulder. He landed on the floor hard.

I crawled over to Shawn who was hurt very badly. I swung my leg over him trying to get a better look.

He now had a black eye, a swollen lip, and a cut by his eyebrow. There was blood gushing out his cut. I got a tissue dabbing it on his cut.

Shawn opened his eyes making a weird face. He looked around then his eyes landing on me. His smile was just enough to make me happy again.

This smile faded as I poured some alcohol in the tissue. He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Here, hold this tissue there. I have some business to take care of." I jumped of Shawn walking to Tyler.

When he turned around toward me, I punched him hard in the face. I held my hand after, that hurt.

"Oh my gosh! What was that for?! That freakin hurt Kristen." I smirked, that actually hurt him. He deserved it, I can't believe I ever trusted him.

Tyler left furious. I helped Shawn back on the bed. His adorable smile came back, those beautiful eyes starring at me.

"Kristen do you love me? And I mean as in true love." I thought for while before comimg to my answer.

"Of course I do... I just needed time to think it through." He motioned me to lay on the bed with him.

Hours passed by when my mom finally got back. She gasped at Shawn's face.

I told her everything that happened. Shawn was cuddling with me over the night.
It's been two days, now it was Sunday. I wasn't excited to go back to school, but I was at the same time.

I finished writting my essay for homework. My brain so tired, school was killing me.

My room was a little messy. I started to grab clothes from the floor, throwing them in my basket. Shawn's clothes were thrown in my closet.

I was organizing my desk when a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"What are you doing cleaning? I've waiting for you to come downstairs." I giggled.

"My room was annoying me. I just need to put my school stuff away." He let go of me, so I quickly shoved my things in my bag.

Soon after Shawn picked me up, throwing me on my newly made bed.

"Ok so I wanted to ask you something... I want make this real, official so, will you go out with me?" I sighed, am I ready for this?
Heyyyyy! This was a cute chapter... at the end. Tyler is so mean, ugh! Well byeee!😂😎

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