Chapter 20

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"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!! READY FOR A BIG DAY?!" I opened my curtains letting in the bright sun.

Shawn groaned, shoving his face in my pillow, just like me.

"Don't make me!" I mocked him. jumping on his back he let out a yell. I started to try to tickle his armpits.

He didn't move at all. That made me mad.

"You're no fun!" I ran out of my room to the bathroom. Grabbing a cup of sink water.

Walking into my room, Shawn didn't move at all. I splashed the water all over him, earning a screech.

"Really?! You are gonna get it." I cracked up shuffling out into the living room. My mom got startled from my appearance.

I ran outside to the front yard. Shawn followed behind grabbing the hose. He turned it on running toward me.

I was wearing a t-shirt and underwear. He caught to me grabbing me pushing the hose in my hair. I screamed pushing it toward Shawn's face. He tripped falling backwards me plopping on him.

We were both laughing, soaking wet. Our lips attached. The hose on the ground spraying on us.

I stared into Shawn's eyes. Drops of water falling from my face to his. Moments like these are the best to savor.

My hand ran through his hair making it messy.

A car pulled into the driveway. My aunt Jessica came. She was the best auntie in the world. Her fashion was amazing, we go on shopping trips every time she comes over. I haven't seen her since 8th grade, she's been traveling.

I pushed myself off Shawn, running toward Jessica.

"Omg! Aunt Jessie, I missed you soo much." She grinned ready for a wet hug. Her hair was a little beachy, she probably came from there.

"Kristen you are so grown up! You're so beautiful and tall." I blushed.

"Come on, don't act like a normal family member." We both laughed. Shawn walked up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Ooooo. Who is this? Your new boyfriend?" Jessie made all smoochy faces.

"Yes, yes he is. Don't you remember him? Shawn Mendes? My 7th grade birthday party he threw cake all over my face." My aunt thought for a minute, then her eyes became big.

"Omg! Yes your bestest friend ever. I knew you guys would be an adorable couple. Shawn you are soo grown! You grew very handsome." I smirked at Shawn, who was blushing.

My mom came out screaming!

"Jessie! I missed you so much. So happy your back!" They hugged for a while. My dad walked out looking at Shawn.

"Hey Jessie so glad your back... Now Shawn why is your arm around my daughters waist?" Shawn's face fell, as he released me.

"Dad! Me and him are dating." My dad's expression changed to happy. I pulled Shawn's arm around me again.

"Ok come let's all go inside. And you two go get into some dry clothes." I ran to my room, Shawn's hand in mine.

"Ok what to wear? Shawn can you pick an outfit for me?" He nodded while smiling. He only had his outfit from two days ago.

He came out of my closet with a cute looking outfit. A black off the shoulder cropped top, light demon shorts, white/tan sandals, and a Jean jacket. But he had something extra that wasn't mine.

"Just one more promise peice of jewelry." He slipped the gorgeous ring on my ring finger.

I grinned, slipping out of my clothes. After sliding on my top, I noticed Shawn staring at me.

"What?!" He looked away, cheeks red.

"Sorry... you're just so beautiful" My cheeks became red also. My shorts were now on, I was getting on my sandals. I brushed through my hair, after putting on a little makeup.

"You should check your account out, your probably famous." I joked.

I heard a slight scream from my room. Shawn's expression was very suprised. I grabbed his phone from him. He had thousands of followers already.

"Oh my gosh Kristen you weren't kidding!" I smiled kissing Shawn's head.

"I told you, you sang amazing." He turned off his phone, sliding it in his pocket. I grabbed his hand walking him toward the stairs.

We arrived downstairs, the parents were laughing. Shawn kissed my cheek, when everybody was watching.

The front door opened revealing Tyler.
Heyyyyy! Shawn and Kristen are so cute together. Tyler what do you want?! Anyways byee!

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