Prologue: The Beginning

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The cool early autumn air chilled my cheeks. I pulled my shawl tighter and began to walk faster. My pale pink dress came down to my ankles, practically dragging on the ground, so it made walking even more difficult.  The sun had set not too long ago, the trail leading home was pitch black but it didn't phase me, I walked this route hundreds of times. However, the night was never a safe place for a woman all alone.

I turned around to see if anyone was behind me. No one, at least no one I could see. It was way too dark to see if anyone was far behind. I looked ahead and made out the small herb shop which blended into the dark shadows at the end of the road. Good. I was almost home, all I had to do was turn the corner and walk down a narrow road. I wasn't looking forward to going home, mother would be upset at me because I wasn't there on time to help her feed the chickens and collect the eggs. It would be delightful to be rich enough to have servants for that, I thought.

Just as I turned the corner and walked a few feet down the narrow path, I heard a twig snap. I could tell it wasn't close. I turned my body around and scanned the trees on the perimeter of the road. Maybe its just a critter. 

It was then when I turned back around, a man stood in front of me. I froze, petrified. How could he have possibly came behind me without making a sound? He took a step towards me, and a smile slowly crept across his face. He had a strong, lean structure with a straight nose and dark arched eyebrows that sat on top of amber eyes. His eyes seemed to light up in the dark, as though they were glowing. He was mesmerising. "You shouldn't be out this late, love," he said to me, his voice calm almost concerned, "there are treacherous  things out here in the wee hours of the night."  I tried to force a smile, "Y-Yes I was just heading home now."

"Do you know who I am, Paige?" the mysterious man said.

"How do you know my name," I stepped back from him, "I've never seen you before a day in my life."

"I watch you everyday. While you help your mother hang clothes and feed the chickens. While you take a walk down to the meadow every Saturday and lay there staring into the sky. Even while you tie your hair into a knot at night to go to bed." he said matter-of-factually.

He looked in to my eyes, and I looked back, speechless. He looked young, maybe my age, eighteen, but dressed like an older man. And those eyes...those beautiful eyes; they looked as though they've witnessed so much. His skin was pale and he wore his dark locks combed back. He had on a forest green velvet coat that came down to his knees, tights in a lighter shade of green and sleek black boots with no heel. My gaze landed on his hands, which he held together in front of him. He had a gold ring on every finger except his thumbs. Some had jewels on them. Who is this man? He was a lord.

"I am Liem," he stuck out his hand. "Liem Hendsworth." I was rather confused. Men do not shake hands with women, they think we are inferior to them. Was he trying to be polite and greet me as his equal or was he trying to test me?

"Leave me alone, pervert," I hissed and tried to brush past him, but he caught a grip of my wrist and pulled me back.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Paige," he said. I felt him squeeze my wrist tighter, "I'm sorry, but, I'm in love with you and I will make you mine...forever." He held my waist and pulled me close within a swift movement, and before I could react, Liem grabbed my hair, leaned my head back and sunk his teeth into my neck. I let out a loud cry.

Pain, excruciating pain and then...relief, I let out a sigh of pleasure. My knees grow weak, and I dropped.

I see people all around me, clapping and cheering all around me. There is laughter and dancing. "Welcome, darling..." they say to me, "Welcome to forever."  I looked around and saw that we were in a grand ball room. People danced all over the wooden floors and light exploded  through the whole room. And then, something strange happens, I see myself, as if I am outside of my body. I am twirling, happy as a bird in the Summer sky. My gown looked beautiful, the most extravagant I have ever seen. It was crimson, dark like blood. It came down to my ankles, and had swirls of gold that went down the sleeves of my forearms and across the neck line, which was so low you could see my breasts busting out. I wore my hair in tight black curls that stopped below my bust. My waist, It looked smaller, as though I had my corset on tighter than usual. Was this woman really me? She looked like me, but also very different.  Her skin was pale, white almost, and her was mine but...too perfect. How could this be me? I've never curled my hair before and I didn't own gowns like the one she was wearing. I saw a man walk over to me--her, and rest his hand on her shoulder. She turned to him and a wide smile stretched across her face. Her lips were as red as a rose. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders while she embraced him and laid her hand on his chest. He wore his hair in a ponytail. His eyes were bright, like amber. It was Liem Hendsworth. The music stopped playing and the crowd went down to a hush. Servants went around distributing goblets. "My dear friends, I gathered you here today to introduce you to someone new to our community. She is the woman I have looked for for so many years. She is graceful, brilliant and simply breathtaking. I knew from the first moment I saw her that she would be mine forever and that is just what I made her. It wasn't an easy decision but..."  He looked at her with everlasting love in his eyes,"...but I couldn't help myself. I wanted a woman to spend forever with and I wasn't--I couldn't-let her go," She looked back at him, deep in every word. "I couldn't just watch her die like everyone I've ever loved." He turned back to the crowd which was silent, hanging on his every word. Finally he said,"To Paige Hendsworth." Liem rose his goblet. The guests replied in unison, "To Paige Hendsworth!" They all rose their goblets and drank. The music began to play again and smiling faces spread across the room and everyone went back to their dancing. 

I am back in my body now, and Liem spins me around and kisses me on the lips, and says, "Wake up, love..."

Heyy guys just wanted to tell you that Chapter 1 Is kinda long! But give it a chance please?? :) I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! <3

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