Chapter 3

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According to my schedule, I had two classes today, Ancient History(10:30 AM) and English 101(1:30 PM). I still didn't want to go to classes, but I really didn't have much of a choice, did I? On the bright side, I'll be able to make more friends like I wanted too.

I've been avoiding Darrell for the past two days, well, not really avoiding,  just staying in my room and not answering when he knocked. I wouldn't ask who it was at the door because I already knew it was him, who else would it be? One time I even heard him say, "I know you're in there, Paige." I didn't want to ignore him, I just have to find out what's happening between us, why I feel his heat when we touched. I tried contacting Garaban through telepathy for some answers,  but his mind was completely blocked off, of course it would be. I couldn't ask Liem, the first question he would ask is why am I even holding hands with a human in the first place. My only option right now was to search for the answer in the Inchiridian of The Vampire.

After my morning cup of blood, I prepare myself for classes. I decide on a pair of slim black pants, black riding boots and a long sleeve shirt to match. Back at home, whenever I wore casual clothes I would wear all black, it was simple and I liked the contrast of the dark clothing on my pale skin. My corset remained on, of course.

I gathered my books and before I left out the door, I peeked out. I saw Darrell walk through his room door, and turn around to lock it. I pulled my head back into the room and slowly closed the door, not wanting him to see me. A minute passes by and I open the door to peek out again and he's gone. I close the door without locking it, I didn't need to anyway,  my room was protected by the necklace. I sped walk through the corridor and down the stairs, just in case Darrell was still in the building.

Just as I was about to walk through the door, I hear a high pitched voice, "Paige, hey!"

I stop abruptly to see who it is. The voice was unfamiliar, who could it be? I turn to see a girl, slim and short, her blonde hair like a waterfall flowing down to her hips. It was the girl who helped me with the television. What was her name again? Alex. Alex was her name.

"Hello, Alex, how are you?"

"I'm fine, just on my way to psychology class."

"Oh, so am I,"

"You have psychology too?"

"Oh, no, no. I meant on my way to class. I have Ancient History."

"Oh, well I'm going in the same direction,  you wanna walk together?"

"That would be great, I can't find my map so you can help me find my way?"

"Absolutely, let's go,"

Alex and I walk off, and I feel a little accomplished, I was on my way to making friends, well a friend. One was just a start, and it was a girl this time. We could talk about hair and clothes and nail polish, and all those other things that human females talked about. I couldn't get too excited,  I didn't know this girl yet, for all I know she could be an idiot.

"Ancient History.." Alex said as we walked through the pathways of the campus, "what's the room number?"

I pull out my schedule from my bag and take a glance, "M-124."

"Oh, that's in the M building, it's straight ahead."


"So how are you liking Bridgeport?"

"It's fine, I haven't done much exploring yet,"

"Oh, did you hear about the guy in the party the literally burned to ashes?"

I choked. "What?" I ask, although I heard every word.

"Yeah, his name was Gavin I think? Everyone is talking about it."

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