Chapter 1

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                                                                    PRESENT DAY

America. The last time I visited America was in 1959 to attend a movie premiere for a film named Some Like It Hot with Marilyn Monroe as the lead actress. I've spent the last for hundred and two years living in a castle in Sheffield; I traveled the world, of course, but I've never lived any where else. Sheffield was my home, and that castle was my sanctuary. As much as it hurt to leave, I couldn't stand the blood lust anymore. I had to get away because the endless, tedious living was driving me insane. I wanted to be the eighteen year old I never could be, but I could at least try.  I had to leave Liem, my lover for all these centuries behind, but he understood. He knew that I needed to do this, just to see what it was like. What it was like to be free, be normal, even if I was just pretending to be. I could always return to him, after all, we had forever.

In order to withstand the sunlight I had to preform a spell once a fortnight. Not part of every teenagers life, but its what I had to do. Only vampires over three hundred could perform this spell, because older vampires were less affected by sunlight. Don't get me wrong, an old vampire could burn to ashes in direct sunlight, but we were safe in the shade or on cloudy days. I've never done this spell before, so I don't know how well it would protect me, but I would find out in time. 

I sat alone in my private jet, gazing out the windows at the plush clouds and firey sun. I wasn't burning, so that was a good sign. As I grew older as a vampire, I didn't mind not being able to be in the sun. The night was my 'daytime' so it felt normal to me. Like a human staying in during the night and living thier lives during the day. The only time I was able to catch a glimpse of the sun was at dusk or dawn, but now, I could see it in all it's glory; colossal and illuminating the sky. Vampires thought we were dominate to humans, lucky even. Why? How could vampires possibly think we were dominate to humans when we couldn't even do one of the most simplest, effortless of things: walk in the sun. We are not lucky, we are abomonations of nature, cursed to never see the beauty of the world in sunlight but only in darkness. Why didn't older vampires use the spell more often? Maybe it was because being in the sun was humanly, and no vampire wanted to stoop down to a human's level(sarcastic voice). But I knew deep down in their cold, dead hearts that they wanted the opposite; to see this blistering beauty and to feel it's warm rays just for a second.

The pilot's voice over the speaker ripped me from my thoughts. "My lady, we will be arriving in less than ten minutes. Please strap on your seat belt and prepare for landing."

Thank God I was on a private jet and didn't have to go in the airport to go through customs or security. Being around all those humans would probably drive me crazy, although I did need practice since I was joining school soon. We landed in Los Angeles International Airport also known as LAX. Liem said there would be a chauffeur waiting for me taking me to my university, which I did not remember the name of right now because Liem insisted on handling everything. Maybe it was the "I'm sorry I turned you into a vampire and ruined your life" guilt. I had no idea how he enrolled me into a university when I've never been to school in my entire life--human life included. Girls in the 1600's did not go to school, we learned from our mothers how to take care of our home; cook, clean, ecetera. Only women in wealthy and noble families were allowed education, and by the time I was a noble woman I was eighteen and a vampire so, what was the point? Vampires had almost endless connections, so I wasn't entirely surprised he got me into a school, I just didn't think everything would go this smoothly.

I stepped down the stairs from the jet and turned to see men scrambling to get my luggage. I saw a young man drop one of my suitcases. "Hey!" I yelled at him. His head shot up, fully aware of his actions. "I-I'm sorry miss I-"

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