Chapter 8

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Garaban stares upon me with soft eyes. I see the right corner of his lip is curled up, and I know his visit is not for grim reason. I walk over to him and embrace him. "Garaban it's so good to see you," I say cheerfully. "Same to you, my child." He smiles back. I hear Darrell say, "Who is this?"

I let go of Garaban and turned to Darrell, "This is Garaban, the oldest vampire. He was turned into a vampire by the first vampire, his brother, Gladius. Garaban also created the first string of vampires. And he's also a very close friend of mine."

Darrell raises his eyebrows and almost looks as though he's impressed. "So you're basically like the father of all vampires right?" He inquires like a child.

Garaban let's out a small laugh. "Yes, that is one way to put it."

"Amazing." Darrell says. "It's an honor to be in your presence."

"Darrell is a new born," I explain to Garaban. "I turned him a few days ago."

"This, I know, Paige. I'm very aware of your situation. This young vampire Darrell slayed Liem, your lover, so that you can be free is that correct?"

I'm not surprised that Garaban knows my situation, he is the oldest vampire for Christ's sake, and actually, he's been on this earth before the birth of Christ; he holds power that I couldn't even dream of. Garaban was wise, and when I was a young vampire I thought he knew all, but, no. Only God knows all, and Garaban is no god, but, just a vampire that has walked this planet for countless days and countless centuries.

"Is that why you have come? Because Liem is dead?" I ask him.

"Yes, but, I also come on the account of so much more, my young Paige." He steps toward me and cups my face with his hands. "I come to give you very important news." 

For a moment I swear I feel my heart drop, but I ignore it. "What is it?" I ask timidly.

Garaban searches my face, and I could tell that he isn't quite sure how to put the words, like it hurt to say them, but after a minute of silence he finally comes out with it, "You, my dear Paige, have broken the curse."

Puzzled, I ask, "What do you mean?"

"The curse, my darling. The vampiric curse, you have broken it. Soon you will no longer be a vampire."

My eyes widen and my jaw drops, my words were stuck in my throat. This is a joke right? No vampire has ever broken the curse, and no vampire knew how. But, I couldn't possibly believe this because my heart is still dead and so are my nerves. No heartbeat, no feeling. No feeling besides the warmth that Darrell makes me feel. How could I have possibly broken the curse? I look back at Darrall, who is also stunned.

"That's impossible," I say, but wishing desperately for it to be true. "I can't feel anything and my heart is still dead."

"Are you sure you can't feel anything?" Garaban asks, squinting his already small eyes.

"I feel warmth...when Darrell and I touch. I was trying to contact you to ask you about it but your mind was blocked off and I couldn't find anything in the Inchiridian. I didn't know if it was good or bad, but then I just started...liking it. A lot."

Garaban smiles once again. There is something else he has to tell me. I mean, he can't just march in here and tell me I'm becoming human and not elaborate. Something is amiss.

"You have feelings for this newborn, Darrell is your name?" says Garaban. Darrell nods. I glance at Darrell and back to Garaban.

"Yes, I do." I pause. "I love him."

Turned: A Vampire Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now