54. Iowa

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Iowa goes on for e v e r. We had eaten fast food and packed food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was way past our usual stop time of about 5 pm if camping and 7 or 8 pm if staying at a motel. We were now at 11:00 pm. Scott had become less and less talkative throughout the day. He looked worried and thoughtful.

"Scott?" I whispered. "There's a motel in about 8 miles. Should we stop there?"

"No, not yet. I want to go some more."

"Scott? What's wrong? Please talk to me."

Scott bowed his head a bit and blew out a long breath, "We need to get to Iowa City. I thought we would make better time. I think it's still going to take over 3, maybe 4 hours."

"Why Iowa City?"

"I've just heard some stories from the LGTBQ. There are parts of Iowa that are very suspicious of strangers and 4 guys that look like us,..."

Scott wouldn't finish that sentence. But it felt ominous.

"They would hurt us?" I said in a small voice. I couldn't filter out the fear.

Scott looked at me with sorry and worry. "We'll keep driving honey. Don't worry. I can still keep driving."

"I can take over Scott," came Jason's voice from the back. Henry was dead asleep leaning on Jason, but didn't seem to be waking at all from Jason leaning forward and talking to us.

"No, I don't want to stop. It creates suspicion. I know we have enough gas. I just want to keep going. Staying the speed limit. No stops." Scott was determined.

"Should we sing Scott?" I asked.

"No, I think that would distract me too much."

"How about a story? Did Mitch tell you how we met? He had walked right into a wall and knocked himself on his ass?"

"What?!" laughed Scott looking at Jason using the rearview mirror.

"No! Wait." continued Scott. "Someone is following us."

Jason and I looked back and we saw the lights of one car.

"Should we try to lose them?" suggested Jason.

"No, that might be suspicious." Scott grabbed the wheel even tighter and hunched over the wheel.

"Shit. Now there are two cars," said Jason who was still looking out behind us.

"Damn it," hissed Scott.

I was starting to feel panic. There was nothing I could do. That meant I had lots of time and energy to concentrate on my rapid heart beats, my sweaty lip and hairline and overall itchiness. I pushed my seat back a bit and closed my eyes trying to control my bodily functions, center my thoughts. The last thing we needed was me to become nauseous. There was no way we were going to stop this car.

If the speed limit was 55, Scott drove 50. If the speed limit changed to 65, Scott drove 60. Nothing more was said and none of us, minus Henry, fell asleep. We were wide awake and terrified.

"Okay, we lost one. .... And now the next," updated Jason.

"We must have crossed a county line," whispered Scott. "Okay, you guys can get some sleep. I'll let you know if I need anything."

"Um, you know that's not going to happen. I'm not sleeping. Do you need anything?"

"Okay, okay. See if you can find anything on the radio or drop some CDs, but nothing too loud. No need to wake up Henry. Jason, you really should get some sleep. Mitch is going to stay awake and I may need you to take over driving."

"I'll try. But you have to promise to wake me even if you just suspect someone might cause trouble."

"I promise," assured Scott.

After a few hours, I thanked God, I finally spotted the 75 miles to Iowa City signs. In just over an hour, we were in the city and pulling up to a fancy Holiday Inn. Just with a look, I was able to ask my question.

"Recommended by the LGBTQ," answered Scott.

In no time, we got keys and deposited Scott in bed. He barely kicked off his shoes and pants before he was under the covers and out. I was able to manage getting him some Ibuprofin before he crashed completely. I could tell the stressful, long driving had done a number on his back.

Henry also dove under the covers in their room.

I then went back out and helped Jason bring up some snacks and a few other bags up to our rooms.

"Thanks Jason. I can't imagine how I could have avoided an anxiety attack if you had not been with us."

"No problem. I know I've already thanked you for everything, but I really feel things are going to look up for me, for us, in California. Scott is something else. He like a 7 foot blonde moma bear that can make anything possible and can sing."

I laughed, "Yeah, I got really lucky."

"You got rewarded for being pretty awesome yourself."

"Aw, stop!" I giggled.

"Do you know I had a crush on you?"

My jaw dropped and was effectively silenced.

Then he giggled. "Don't panic. I wouldn't dream of doing anything about it now. You have mister perfect and even though I'm not good enough, at least for the time being, I have Henry." He had a sad smile on his face.

"Don't down play it Jason. You and Henry are really cute together. Life and circumstances make strange bedfellows but that doesn't mean it isn't the right result. You two are good for each other. And really love each other. That's all that should matter."

We had walked to my door. Jason pulled me into a hug and gave me a warm kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight Mitch. I'm very glad I opened that vending machine for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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