23. Dog Days are Over

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Avi and Scott's scowling faces were inches away from each other. They were both breathing heavily and their hands were in fists.

"Um, what did I miss?" I was a little late for rehearsal and I had just opened the door. Kevin was standing just a bit away from Avi and Scott, tense as if to try to step between them if they came to blows. Kirstie was standing a little further away with her hands over her mouth looking fearful.

Scott's face slowly started to slip from anger to almost crying and pleading Avi for something. Avi let out a long breath, turned abruptly and muttered, "I forgot something," as he walked passed me without looking at me and out the door.

A half beat later, Scott said, "I forgot something too," and followed Avi out.

And a half beat after that, Kevin followed without bothering to say he forgot anything.

That left Kirstie who I pinned against the wall with the raising of one of my eyebrows.

"God damn it," Kirstie said.

"Spill." I said in a quiet but deadly voice.

She walked over to the snack table and said, "You want chocolate chip or chocolate chocolate chip?"


"Look, I'll tell you everything but not without chocolate. Which one? Pick."

"Chocolate chip."

She picked up a big chocolate chip cookie and a bottle of water, handed them to me and then got herself a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie and a bottle of water and sat on the couch, motioning me to join her.

She took a big bite of her cookie and waited for me.

I rolled my eyes and took a nibble.

She let out a big sigh and began, "Avi wants you to solo the bridge of Dog Days."


"Scott said... well, he said a lot of things... but when you walked in he had just said something along the lines 'over my dead body'."

"You're leaving something out." I could read her like a book and she knew it.

"He mighta mentioned that he promised your dad to protect you. The bridge could endanger you, yada, yada, yada."

"And Avi couldn't care less?"

"No! No, that's not it! He was saying that the choice should be yours and not Scott's."

"Oh." I let out a long sigh myself.

"What do you think?"

Kirstie wrapped her hands around my arm and put her head on my shoulder, "Mitchie, I love you so much. I don't want you to put yourself in any kind of danger. But... but I don't want you to live your life regretting a decision. There just isn't a clear answer on this one."

She lifted her head to look me in the eye, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, shoot."

"Do you think you will be happy as a businessman?"

I looked at Kirstie. I know she wasn't trying to manipulate me. She was just helping me see the reality of the situation.

I kissed her forehead and got up to leave.

"You forget something too?" she teased.

I turned back and smiled her. "Thanks."


I walked down a couple hallways and knocked on Ben Fold's door.

"Come in."


"Mitch! Hi! How are you doing?" he greeted me with a smile. He was seated at his desk.

"Well, as good as can be expected," I went to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

"What can I help you with?" he said cheerfully.

I looked at the floor trying to compose my thoughts, "I need to ask you a question. About our next song."

"You know I can't help in any type of arrangement questions."

"Yes, of course, it's not about that."

"What is it about?"

"Well, I know you guys know a lot about each of us." I coughed a bit trying to get my question out. "Do you know that I was in Deep Care my junior year?"

Ben sat back in his seat. He had not expected that. "No, actually I didn't."

"Oh, god, I'm sorry, it seems like you guys know so much about us," I blushed.

"It's okay Mitch. That's fine. I've had a lot of friends that went to camps as well as the Institute."

"Well, the thing is, I went and I don't want to go back for... treatment."

"Yeah, understandable."

"Well," I let out a quick breath, "I'm afraid if I sing a part in a certain way, I could be risking going back. My question is ... well... is it worth the risk? Are we in the running? Or are we so far behind, maybe ... maybe... there is nothing to gain." I sat back and closed my eyes. That was so much harder to say than I thought it would be. All I knew was that I had to ask.

"Well Mitch. The typical line everyone gives all of you is that you all have a chance. But given your circumstance, I'm going to go on a bit of a limb and say... it's close. It's very, very close. As you know, we don't get to make the final decision. That will be based on votes. But we do have internal data that we collect. From what I've seen, and this is still conjecture, alright? From what I've seen, I think Pentatonix and Dartmouth Aires will be neck and neck."

"You can't take this as a gospel, but I think they have the edge. They have a lot more people in their group, so it's possible a lot more people might vote for them.

I think you guys are going to have to do something pretty amazing, even more amazing than the amazing things you've already done, to win."

Ben was leaning over his desk and giving me everything he could. He was honestly trying to help. But I was still worried, scared and unsure of what was the right decision.

"Let me also say that I know what you are facing. Not me personally, but my brother. They hurt him and he never recovered. I do know the seriousness of your decision. All I can add is that if you do manage to win, there are a lot of resources in the entertainment business to help people with their annual check-ups. Calls can be made, paperwork, publicity packages can be created. But in all honesty, if you don't win, well, those resources aren't there. But if there is anything I personally can do, I will."

I walked back to the rehearsal room. Everyone was back, sitting in different seats, looking like their dog died. They all looked at me in silence.

I walked to the microphone, flipped it on, closed my eyes and sang, "Never wanted anything from you, except everything you have and what was left after that too."

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