•chapter 16•

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Friday finely came. It seemed like it took forever.

I was so excited. We all were, me brax, and Chloe.

Half the school day was gone and it was lunch so all three of us went to the outside gally area like always and sat and ate an apple. When aiden came up with his fuckboy crew and they all sat beside us.

Aiden: hey u feeling better?

Me: yea I'm doing better

Aiden: good umh so u wanna go smw later tonight like on a date I mean as friends and all..

Chloe and brax: awe ouuu so cute

Me: (gritted teeth) shut the hell up. Umh I would love to but I'm busy tonight its a girls night out and I promised THEM TWO ANNOYING BITCHES I WOULD GO. maybe next time.

Aiden: yes how bout next friday.

Me: umh sounds fine with me.

I mean I'm not dating nobody I wish I was dating Joey.   Oml Joey he's so cute but I don't think we are ever gonna be a thing. Then I thought to myself also, what if he's at his dad's concert and didn't tell me? Should be mad or happy I mean yea he has about two more weeks before he's suppose to be down here but he might have changed plans.

Alice jane??? Brax says as she gets my attention.

What I say.

U looked like u were on another planet there for a minute. she said.

Is everything ok Chloe asked.

Yea yea I'm fine just thinking about THAT AWESOME GREEN DAY CONCERT WE ARE GOING TO!!! I said.

We all cheered then it was time to go to our 7th class of the day.

We all said our good byes and went to our next class.

As I was walking to my eighth period class aiden stops me and says hey beautiful

I said hey fuckboy with a lip ring

He laughs and says oh ur being all feisty I like it

U said fuck off I already agreed on a little date what else do u want fuckboy.

I don't want anything but u babe.

Wtf is wrong with him like he's all nice and noe he's tryna really pay that fuckboy game. Welp here goes my hard to get game coming stronger than ever


his friends behind him started laughing

I walked in the class before he could say smt back but I did hear him say love u babe.

Ew. Tf. I hate fuckboys.

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