✶Three: Strange Behavior

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My eyes follow after Svetlana's retreat out of the cafeteria, watching her graceful movements. All of a sudden, I'm confused by the surge of disappointment in my chest when she is no longer in my range of sight. When I peer back at my siblings, they are all wearing shocked expressions as they stare at me, except Alice.

"I'm surprised you didn't fly across the table at her when she blushed." Emmett looks at me with a surprised, but almost proud, expression.

"She doesn't make me thirsty. Just the opposite," I acknowledge truthfully, still mystified by that fact.

Rosalie shifts in her seat, adding, "I noticed that. Like being around her takes the thirst away." She peers over at Edward with inquisitive eyes. "Did you get anything from her thoughts?"

"I've never heard of a human being able to use their gift at this magnitude," Edward admits, his voice coated in intrigue. "She does take away our thirst, more like absorbs it. Although, she is not fully aware of what it is she's absorbing." His eyes are quick to rest on me. "Svetlana is a lot like you. She can feel, absorb, and possibly control emotions. She also felt it when you used your gift on her outside." He pauses for a short moment before looking towards the others. "Since she is able to do that, she knows there is something we are hiding." We all go stiff at his words. "She doesn't care, she won't ask about our secret if we don't ask about hers."

"Do you know her secret?" Emmett quizzes while learning forward in anticipation.

Edward shakes his head, "No, she didn't think about it. The way her mind works is...odd. She thinks of so many different things at once. Swirls of pictures and words alike. I have to focus greatly to hear her."

"Svet is special. She will be important to all of us soon enough." Alice stands with her tray, gliding away without further explanation.

Rosalie continues to look at Edward. "What did you learn from her thoughts?"

"She kept thinking that she needed to train." A genuine smile spreads across his face. "But majority of her thoughts were on her friend Bella. Instead of focusing on herself like most of the female population, she more concerned about how her friend is handling her first day. She also wishes her brother were here."

"What did she think about that made you laugh?" Emmett asks with a smirk, his curiosity high.

Edward turns his head to me with a chuckle. "Well, it seems that she is quite taken with Jasper."

Emmett's laugh echoes throughout the almost empty cafeteria. "It's about time Jazz got some attention!" I send him a deadly glare as I stand and stride away, my siblings following behind me. "Oh, come on. It's obvious from the way you both started at each other. She like you, you like her. Just admit it," he dares teasingly and chuckles again.

I dump my tray and continue walking. "Maybe I'm just trying to figure out what she is," I allude over my shoulder.

Both Emmett and Edward laugh this time. Edward places his hand on my shoulder as he catches up to me. I come to a halt and face him, keeping my expression neutral.

"We both know that's not true." He taps his head with his other hand. "You may want to find out why she's different, yes, but you also feel something." He let's go and heads off to his next class with Emmett in tow.

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