✶Five: Fight Club

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The remainder of school carries on rather quickly after lunch ends. During last period, Lana and I converge under the bleachers and we work on our homework together, listening to music as we do. She has excellent taste in music, similar to mine, except she has greater variety.

We don't talk all that much, allowing a comfortable silent to settle around the two of us. It's not difficult to tell that she was still vaguely agitated with her brother. The twins kept bickering throughout lunch; riling one another up almost constantly until we needed to head to class. Once we finish writing our essays of History class, I escort Lana back inside before the bell sounds—like yesterday—before we part ways.

Now, we are following behind her and Sebastian as they lead us to their house. The idea of Svetlana and her brother fighting bothers me. I know he won't do anything to actually hurt her; I could easily feel the immense love they share for each other at lunch. She is undoubtedly confident that she will win, yet I'm consumed with an urge to protect her. No, the need to protect her. I'm not exactly sure of why, I only know I don't relish in the thought of her being in any form of pain.

Less than ten minutes have gone by when Alice pulls up in the driveway behind the twins. The dark-stoned driveway leads up to a wide, three-door garage, where a silver Jeep is already parked. Sebastian moves his black Chevy in between the Jeep and Lana's motorcycle before the engine shuts off.

The white brick house is two-stories and is grand in size, but reserved in design. There is a spacious wraparound porch, decorated with several rocking chairs, a various arrangements of flowers, and sting-lights that encircle the house. On the second floor, there are two balconies that are also adorned with string-lights and ivy decorating the railings; one of which that leads to Lana's bedroom.

The twins stroll back towards us as Sebastian presses a button on his key ring, causing the garage door to lower. The four of us exit the Volvo, meeting them half way before we migrate in the direction of the house. Curious, I observe how Sebastian smiles down at Alice as they talk beside us. Alice hasn't taken her eyes off him since he appeared; already having feelings for him, and I don't need my gift to see it.

"Come on, you guys can wait inside while we prepare," Lana tells us casually, leading the way up the stone steps and onto the porch.

Emmett chuckles, entertained. "Prepare? Isn't it just going to be a fist fight?"

Sebastian begins laughing while we are passing over the threshold. "No. Fist fights are for amateurs. We," he gestures at himself and Lana, "have been learning and mastering a crap-load of different fighting styles for the past seven years."

"It's true," Svetlana confirms with a nod once she notices Em's expression. "Arizona my have sucked weather wise, but it was fantastic for finding Gyms," she elaborates with an excitement shining brightly in her gaze.

Sebastian drops his backpack onto the white, hardwood floor of the foyer before turning to look at Lana. "If I win, I get to borrow FWD anytime I want—for a month."

What's FWD?

Lana grins mischievously and crosses her arms. "Sure. But, if I win, you have to back off with the big brother act and let me make my own decisions and mistakes."

"That's a lot to ask." He frowns, looking down at her.

Lans grins even wider as she replies, "Better make sure you win then." She turns towards in our direction, her vibrant eyes flickering between all of us. "We'll be back. There are drinks and food in the fridge if you want anything. Let's go, loser," she adds when grabbing her brother's arm and then pulls him up the stairs.

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