Trick Tower pt: 1

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HELLO!!!!! Sorry for the wait and without any further of the author's note, let's just start the story!

Picture above is so funny! 😂 ^^^ (read Gon's line first then Alluka-chan's line then killua's--- remember you read from left to right!)

I'm sick of writing the disclaimer! Do I have to write it in every chapter?

DISCLAIMER: I don't own HXH or the pictures and videos use in this book!

If I'm not her that I wouldn't be stating that." I replied leaning towards his face while saying that leaving only 2 inches (6cm) apart. I could tell he is hiding a blush. So not obvious (note the Sarcasm)
"Now any person, animal, spirits, tree or even talking -whispering to yourself about any information I just told you, that thing, human or animal would die... painfully. Choose your words wisely because I'm everywhere" I said before walking off leaving a shocked Killua.

'That was fun!' I thought


(Y/N)-chan's POV

I walked away leaving a shocked Killua, he's kinda cute you kno- WAIT WHAT WAS I THINKING!!??!! But I have to admit it, he is cute and adorable, I'd probably just need to be VERY, VERY kind to him, so I can pat his hair! It looks so fluffy!!! Ughhhh.... I want to touch it so much!!!
After when we landed on the Trick Tower.
We all jumped inside the movable slabs and we all enter. Surprisingly we all got into the same room.
We got into a room and there was 5 cloaked people.
The above net came up and it said that each person has to fight a person.
"Who's going to go first?" Gon asked
"Me" I shouted calmly
"No, no, no!" You're a girl you can't" Gon replied worriedly
Jut before I can reply a path came across the middle to the side. Before Gon can think of another reason I data ryes walked towards the middle. Gon was about to chase me but then the path started to return making it impossible for him to chase me. I walkied to the middle to find a big muscle guy standing there. He looked down in pity and his eyes saying this-is-going-to-be-easy. I smirked evilly making him sweat a bit. Then a thing said we can't satellite the battle.
"HAHAHA!!!! THIS IS A DEATH BATTLE!! AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICE" he shouted and I swear one more sentence that's going to escape his mouth would make me deaf!
"Do what you want" I smirked
"You can go first Mr-Going-To-Lose" I said confidently
And without another word he was ran towards with his fist in the air. I stood there without moving, then just as about when he is going to hit me I moved so fast behind him and it seemed like I teleported and kicked him straight in the side making his flying in full speed towards the wall and CRASH! he flopped down to the who knows where. I then dusted of any invisible dust on my hand and started walking back towards my base like a pro. Everyone's mouth dropped including Killua  and the opponent people. I walked back and when I got there.
"Killua was I good enough?" I asked innocently
"Y-yeah" Killua replied nervously
"Gon how did you think?" I asked again
"T-that w-was a-awesome" Gon replied, clearly scared because they think I'm going to hurt them.
"Whose next? And no need to be scared. I won't do that to any of you!" I replied happily. With a smile which I don't normally do, making them all blush because this was first time they see me smile.
"Unless you're my enemy" I whispered but making sure that the opponents could hear me with my voice suddenly changing into a more cold and scary one and adding my smirk towards the opponent made sweat non-stop, everyone gulped including Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika. And then in a split second I turned happy again.
"So whose next?" I asked again happily smiling again.
Wow I'm smiling 2 times a day! VERY rare.


Thanks so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it! Please tell me if there is any errors as I am still a beginner. I hope you have a good day/night


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