Bonus Chapter 2

10.5K 172 154

2nd bonus chapter for celebrtating 10k!!

Thank you everyone!!


Please read the first bonus chapter before reading this or else nothing will make sense. Thank you!!!


Tsuki- Hello there, welcome to M.A's second interview. I am Tsuki and today I'll be interviewing Kurapika.

*turns to Kurapika *

Tsuki- Hello there Kurapika, how is your day?

Kurapika- I'm doing fine thank you for asking.

Tsuki- Thank you for for the other day, for bringing Killua to our first interview.

Kurapika- Ah no problem. Glad to help. Killua took a while there. But we made it!

Tsuki - May I ask you some questions?

Kurapika - Sure! Happy to answer them.

Tsuku- Perfect. Now to the first question. You're much easier than Killua when speaking you know and I'm glad that I don't have to deal with another idiotic head.

*Kurapika looks pissed when compared to Killua*

*Tsuki pretends to not notice*

Tsuki- Our first question.

*takes out white board: When did you start to ship Killua X (Y/N) or better known as (Ship name) ?*

*Kurapika suddenly smirks*

Kurapika- Hohoho one of my favourite questions. I'm glad someone asked.

Tsuki- There's still around 2 month to Christmas, try not to sound like Santa kay? You're not that old. Unless you want to be...

*Kurapika is seemed angry*

*Tsuki once a again sees it but ignores it.*

Tsuki- Ah I see you are definitely Killua's friend. You both have the same habit of not answering my question. ANSWER!!!

Kurapika- My lord, calm your farms no one stole your cow.

Tsuki- I don't have a farm nor a cow. Now the question.

Kurapika- Oh yes. It was during the trick tower when I realized that Killua and (Y/N) are surprisingly close and not fighting, agreeing on the same subject and sticking together more often. That's when I call ship it.

Tsuki- What an excellent answer. Just what I'm looking for. Anything else to add to your answer?

Kurapika- Especially when they slept together in the corner when we were in the room. That was absolutely adorable. If I had my mini machine I would've taken a picture.


*Tsuki stands up from the chair and goes up to Kurapika and shakes his hand *

*Sits back down*

Tsuki- Thank you, now the next question if you don't mind.

*holds out another whiteboard because she threw the other time out due to difficulties.*

Whiteboard: How do you think about Gon in this situation?

Kurapika-*facepalm* Oh. Ma. Lord! Don't even go there. That innocent human needs to stay innocent.

*Tsuki giggles*

Tsuki- Thought so! Next question!

*Picks up another whiteboard*

Whiteboard: This is an obvious question but do you 100% support (ship name)?

Kurapika- OF COURSE!!

*Tsuki smirks *

Tsuki- Purfect ~ How about you and me work together?

Kurapika- What does that mean?

Tsuki- Do you want to set them up and maybe lure them into a building ?

Kurapika - building?...
...! Love hotel?

Tsuki-* Smirks * As expected from Kurapika..

*Kurapika smirks and lean forward. *

Kurapika - When does this plan commence?

Tsuki- After the exam and you and me shall meet again huehuehuehue~~

*Kurapika makes a smug face. *

Kurapika- Thank you for having me today *still smug face* I'll see you soon!

Tsuki- Yes indeed. See you soon! Thank for joining us today.

*Kurapika goes back stage*

Tsuki- Thank you so much everyone for joining M.A's second interview and I hope to see you again!


Hey guys sorry for the short one this time. But maybe or maybe not there will be a part 2 !

Next bonus chapter would be 30k. But I don't think this book will reach to that high.....

Anyways thanks for reading this special chapter. This interview is all my idea and if I see anyone else copying my idea for interviewing, guess what? You'll have to deal with me! Plagiarism is illegal. I have read many HXH fanfic and I have not seen one interview. If any of you see it please report it to me. Thank you.

This interview is published on the 30th of October 2017. If you say you had this idea before this date then you obviously have to be lying or you didn't publish your work fast enough so bad luck!

Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.

Have a nice day/night !

Midnight Assassin [Hunter X Hunter] (Killua X reader) COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now