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Killua's POV

And there she goes, as she fell asleep again.

There's this one question that has been spinning around my head for the past few hours, while she was sleeping.

Does (Y/N) know anything else other than assassin tricks. For example manipulating cards? or what my stupid brother have. Needles? I've only seen it once though, when Hisoka was finding the real examiner. and as for Illumi while he was showing me how to train he showed the tricks a few times to me 

And not to mention that he always brings out decks of card. Everywhere around him. And builds his card pyramid every time he's bored. So it's a bit suspicious.

Now my brain hurts for thinking so much without knowing the answer.

You know what? I'm just going to sleep to skip time, because sleeping is amazing. 

~~Time skip 2 hours later~~

I can't sleep!!! What is this torture. I don't know whether it's just me or whenever I want to sleep my body doesn't let me, and when I don't want to sleep my body passes out. It's annoying!!

So I stood up and went for a walk around.

~~Big Time Skip~~ •• When they were gathered again on the ship•• 

(Y/N)-chan's POV

It was a bright and sunny day when the flying ship came to get us. The remaining people all jumped on the ship and flew up and left that island. Many bodies were left behind. As many of them didn't survive this Phrase.

"ahhhhh" I yawned as Gon and Killua high five each other in happiness for surviving. 

Hey look happy to see eachother again after all those days! I mean who wouldn't be happy to see their best friend survive?

"Good morning Gon!" I interrupted their little meet up as I stretched. I managed to sleep all through out the exam and it felt so good to finally be able to rest after such a long time.

"Good morning to you too (Y/N)-chan! I'm sure you worked hard durng these past few days. How long did it take you to get tthe badges?" Gon asked as he showed me that cute smile of his.

"I know right! I worked very hard these few days. " I bragged.

Killua looked at me in disgust and disbelief

"Yeah! If you call 'sleeping' hard work then go ahead! " He scoffed.


Gon laughed awkwardly and managed to stop us.

"You did it Gon! Is what I wanted to say before a girl rudely interrupted " Killua looks at me in pissed off face.Gon sweatdrops as we fight again. 

"So did you Killua and (Y/N)-chan" Killua gave me a death glare. 

"we had no problem getting these" I showed a big grin as Killua and I fanned out our number plates. 

"How did you go Gon?" I asked 

Gons smile instantly dissapeared as he looked down on the floor. 

"Well... It was kinda...-" Gon looked ashamed 

" I bet you had to get your 6 points by going to three different applicants right?" Killlua smirked and I lighty punch him in the shoulder

" Hey! Don't tease him! He had Hisoka as an opponent. THE FREAKING HISOKA!!! You can't blame him!" I went up to him and bent down so I can see his face

At the corner of my eyes I can see Killua looking away in jealously? hUEHUEHHUE * inserts smug face*

"What happened Gon? " I asked softly. 

" Here" he showed us the badge '44' 

" WHAT?! " Killua and I both look astonished. 

That's Hisoka's badge!

" NO WAY YOU ACTUALLY GOT HIS BADGE " Killlua said in disbelief as he goes upclose to the badge and examine it

" I did but..."

"Wow! that's unbelievable! To think you actually got Hisoka's badge." I looked at him surprise.

" What kind of magic did you use?!" Killua asked happily shaking Gon's shoulder like there's no tomorrow. This time I didn't stop him from doing so, because I actually wanted the answers myself even though I'm pretty sure I can get it too. 

"well...uh...HE kinda gave it to me" Gon honestly said

"huh?" Both of us replied

"He gave it to you?" Killua looked so confused. 

" You don't have to worry about it." Gon ressured us as he smiled.

"Fine then if you don't want to tell me I won't force you." Killua replied. 

"Well... Its not like that" Gon smiled.

" But what's important is that you're safe and you passsed. Right Killua?" I asked. 

He nods and smile at both of us. 

"we both made it this far so let's just keep up the good work and survive to the end. What is more important is that we survive from this exam and get our hunter licences. Anyways, I think the next exam is our last exam anyways." Killua said. Wow never knew you were so wise.

Then Kurapika appeared behind Gon.

"Hello Kurapika!" I waved as he appeared behind Gon. Gon turned around and said hi to him as well. 

" Killua! (Y/N) ! Glad to see you safe! A meeting has just been called out for the remaining applicants. We should get going." Kurapika informed us.

"Thanks for telling us" i smiled 

"I bet it's the last exam. I'm so excited! Let's go Killua, (Y/N)!" Gon started running.

"O-oiii wait for me!" Both Killua and me yelled, and started running with him. 

Kurapika just smiled. and nevertheless followed along.


Your author has been back from her short hiatus.

Please welcome her back.


Hey people!! I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try to update more often now bit that might not be official.

I'm currently writing 5 other draft books that will be soon published so please look forward to that. And I hope you read that as well. It would mean a lot to me

Anyways that's all for now.

Thank for reading!!


Midnight Assassin [Hunter X Hunter] (Killua X reader) COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now