You Aint George Foreman So Get Outta My Grill

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You sleep with anything with a pulse

Got so much experience on your knees

That even Coach Carr says you repulse

Bet that one stung more than a bee.

You aint George Foreman so get outta my grill

And find another girl to fill

For I'm not going to sleep with you because I don't give a fuck

Call up that plastic Barbie with who you'd have better luck

So avert your eyes away from lovely long legs

Because I'm taking you down a few pegs

You just sleep with any dumb girl who says she's into some hipster bull

Even that girl who looks old enough to be your mum

All of them turned you into a mainstream creep

When you share that book quote which is just so deep

More into Sean Combs than Shakespeare

Don't be telling me that I'm the one who lacks standards

You're the one without taste that's clear, my dear

You're more lost than Nemo

Hoping some Princess Charming rides in on her horse

Mark my words she'll leave when you ask her to ride yours

With talk like that you're just closing doors

I'm going to have so much fun without being a two

And I don't even have to do you.

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