The Crimson Sisterhood

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Trusting others is not the problem,

The true dilemma lays in whether we can trust ourselves to make that decision,

You have to decide whether you want to hand over the power of your heart

Whether you want to give someone permission to exert against you submission

At least the crimson red sisterhood of the river flows quietly beside my hesitant step,

The darkness of the clouds guides my inner turmoil

Step, step, step,

Cold breezes all around me, in my heart, cause even the defenceless animals to recoil

Away, away, away,

It's the final journey, my heart was wasted this morning, my heart will be wasted before the moon rises

It's a passage of right which has led to all these demises,

Blood falling at my shaking feet

My dragging steps tainting, staining, the rest of my way

This is the price they say I have to pay

All my life I've been told I should be glum

Yet seeing the destination on the horizon makes me smile at the girl I've become,

I belong nor to you or him,

I expect no happily ever after,

No desire to be guided to the light

Because this way in my decided fate I can try to get a little bit of laughter.

What do you think this is about? I know but poetry is about interepration so I'd be interested in seeing how you guys took it.

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