'All The Things You Said Though Keep Clouding Up Mind'

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All the things you said keep clouding up my mind

And I'm all confused with panic taking over

For it can't be enough to move past the actions which were less than kind

We both I'm not the type of girl you like

All you're after is an ego boost, a late night invite

I can see the truth running though your messed up head

It's trying to find a way out but I know it even if it's unsaid.

You knew just what to say to make me almost believe

But I know life too well to let you deceive

You say you care one moment, you say you don't give a toss the next

I shouldn't be scared of saying the wrong thing and getting you vexed

You just weren't willing to communicate

Your callous words just used to suffocate, suffocate, suffocate.

It was all about a chase, an escape from life's constraints.

Got told my face lit up when I spoke of you, just bringing you up out of the blue

Hope you know that doesn't happen anymore

You didn't care so I stopped too.

There is something I felt with you which I desperately wanted to be true

Yet I'm too much of a smart girl to miss the fucking obvious clue,  

All the things you said though keep clouding up my mind

But the cruellest thing is that I'm far from yours you'll find.

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