Cry Me A River, Build Me A Bridge And Get Over It

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Most of the time we don't get on,

Until the night falls over us to sweep away with our secrets,

And the way your voice catches makes me think everything is a con...

Oh my, we're so close yet so far

Our enemy pride getting in the way, way, way of this...

We're driving around aimlessly with no-one steering the way

Neither asking the other to stay

We're trying to prove which one is right

But our assertions turn into a fight

Walking away with our back turned

Refusing to give in to this little thing

It's really not worth it, not a story Taylor Swift could sing

You're mean, mean, mean

And would it kill you to at least be a little keen?

When I talk, listen.

When I listen, let me all the way in.

When I'm trying you should be in awe, dahling.

I don't need your love, I don't want your love

And if you want me to the boo hoo, cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it

Because I'm not putting up with your shit.

Done. I'm so done.

And it feels so good,

Just like it should.

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