His Sister, Red.

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Red. Some say it stands for love and passion. I say it stands for blood and destruction. That horrible color, red. The color that destroyed my family. The color that destroyed my life. That color, that horrid color. Red. Stupid lusting red.


"Do you think that Ciel will like his present, Aunty?" my little 13 year old self asked the only other passenger in the carriage. Aunt Anne.

"Of course he will dear. After all you picked it out for him all by yourself." She said with a smile. Fake.

Her smiles were always fake now. She wasn't filled with happiness like she use to be. Her eyes didn't sparkle like they use to and her hair had lost all of its usual shine. I don't blame her though, if I had lost everything I had in one instant I would be like her too. Fake. No happiness, no love, nothing. I always tried to make her happy, I always tried to make her smile or laugh. They were always fake. I stayed over at her house often and even let her take me shopping whenever she wanted. I loved my Aunty. I new she loved daddy, I saw the way she looked at him. It was the same look that he gave mommy and the ones she returned.

I felt a sudden jerk that knocked me to the floor. The carriage had stopped suddenly. Aunty opened the door and stuck half of her body out the door.

"What is going on out h-" she cut her self off.

What was going on? Why was it so light outside. The sun was setting and even when the suns up at it's highest it's not like this. It was almost like the sun was on top of you. Suffocating.

I wanted to know what was going on. I stuck my head out under Aunty's arm and that's when I saw it.

Red. Flames. Burning. Smoke. Death.

My house was on fire. No, this wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening. It was little Ciel's birthday, it was a happy day. Not this. I know, i'm just dreaming, yeah that's it. It was all just a dream. I was going to wake up in my large bed to Tanaka opening my curtains. "Good morning, Miss Jayne." He would say with a smile. "Good morning, Tanaka" I would reply. All I had to do was open my eyes. On three. One, I closed my eyes, two, I hoped and prayed, three, my eyes opened.

No. It's okay i'll just try again. Close, open. No. Close, open. No, this couldn't be happening. I couldn't think anymore I was numb. My body acted on it's own and before I could comprehend what was happening, I had shoved Aunty out of the way and was running towards my burning house. I could barley hear Aunty screaming for me. I couldn't stop, I had to find them. I had to, save them. They couldn't die. They were all I had. They were everything to me. Mother, Father,.....Ciel, hold on. Please.

I was almost to the door, just a few more steps. I could feel the heat of the flames that licked the side of the building. It was suffocating, I could barley breath. All I had to do was reach out and touch the door handle. Don't worry, I'm coming for you. I was almost there when a hand clamped down on my arm. Hard. I screamed.

"What do you think your doing?!" Aunty's face was light harshly by the unwanted light.

"I-i-i" I didn't know honestly. I couldn't talk, couldn't think, couldn't do anything but stand there. It was like my body had shut down. I hadn't realized that Aunty had pulled me back to the carriage until I was sitting in the seat. My face starring blankly ahead. The carriage jerked once more and we were heading somewhere. Fast. Town maybe, I don't know.

The only thing floating around in my head were regrets. Why did I leave to go into town with Aunty? Then I would be in the house too. I would have died with them. Why didn't I get Ciel's present earlier? Ciel's present, it was still on the floor. The same place that I had dropped it in my rush to get out. I had picked it out just for him, my little brother. I picked up the neatly wrapped box and placed it gently on my lap. I would save it for him.

I stared blankly out the window at the twisted and distorted shapes and shadows. Only then did I let one lonely tear slide down my face.

~Flashback end~

I stared into the fire before me and thought about that horrible night. My life was ruined because of those flames. The flames of hatred. I looked around at the lavishly decorated sitting room. It was red, everything was red. The chairs the carpet the flowers. Oh, how I hated that color. That horrible color. Red.

"Jay dear, come quickly" Madam Red said rushing into the room. Even Aunty was coated in that horrible color. Hence her name Madam Red. She hated the color too, I don't know why she chose to embrace it. It sickened me.

"What is it Aunty?" I asked her not really interested.

"Ciel, he's back!"

In the next moment I was on my feet. Ciel, my dear baby brother, Ciel. Oh, how Ive missed him. When his body was never found I was the happiest I had ever been since the incident. He, however was never found. Which dampened my spirits quite a bit, but he was back now.

"Are you sure?" were the only words that came out of my mouth. There had been a lot of false alerts and it angered me. However in my heart I knew it was the real Ciel.

"Yes," and that's all it took for me to run out the door. I didn't bother grabbing a coat I was too excited. Aunty right behind me.

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