His Sister, Dark Stranger?

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It was black, I couldn't see anything. It felt as if I was floating, like I was weightless, like I could float away at any moment. Except there was something tying me down, like a tether, it was tied around my ankle. I noticed that I wasn't breathing, but I wasn't holding my breathe either. It wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it felt like I didn't even need oxygen. My head wasn't hurting anymore, I wasn't in any pain at all. I felt very at ease floating in my dark cloud, It felt like nothing could touch me or get me. I felt safe. I could stay here forever.

"Jayne," A voice boomed in my mind, ruining the serine atmosphere that I was in. It was scary and deep, it was filled to the brim with malice. "Welcome home, my precious. I've been waiting for you, dear."

"Who are you," I asked frightened. I didn't speak out loud because I couldn't, no oxygen meant no talking. I thought it instead, but since the voice was in my head it heard me. An evil laugh rocked me to my core,

"My, my aren't you a curious little girl." The voice chided, "My name isn't important at the moment. For now I just need you to open your eyes, can you do that for me dear?" The voice asked.

"But I'm scared," I cowered.

"Trust me, my darling. Your perfectly safe with me." He persuaded.

"My father told me never trust strangers." I rebuffed

"But my dear, I'm not a stranger. You know me quite well," He replied.

That couldn't be possible I had never heard this voice before, It was completely new. How could I possibly know who this man was. Now that I think about it, it does sound a vague bit familiar.

"I guess you aren't ready yet, but you will be soon." The voice manically laughed again. "Take care of yourself Jayne." And just like that the voice was gone.

My lungs desperately needed oxygen once again and I was no longer floating. The pain in my head was back, and my world was still consumed in darkness. My lungs felt like they were going to explode if I didn't breathe in the life saving gas, this caused my heart to race.

I could see faces swirling around behind my eyelids. Ciel, Aunty, Sebastian, Bard, May-rin, Finny, Grell, Cora, Carlie, Henri, Jacob, and even the mysterious doll shop owner with the purple eyes. Everyone that had been in my life recently. I could hear mumbling around me, it sounded alarmed and frantic. I could faintly hear a voice say 'Breathe! Jayne Breathe!' it sounded like Aunty Anne's. I couldn't take it anymore, I took the biggest gulp of air ever. Like I had just broke the surface of frigid water.

My breath came out in uneven gasps and chokes, but at least I was breathing. As soon as my lungs absorbed the life saving oxygen, everything became much more clear. The mumbles I once heard were clearer now. Even though they were soft and whispered each word felt like a stab in the temple.

"She's breathing again, and her vitals are going back to normal" Aunty spoke.

"That's good right?" I heard Ciel ask. He sounded frantic and worried.

"Yes, that's very good. But I'm going to need to monitor her for a while. I don't know what could have caused this," She pondered

I kept my eyes closed, I didn't have the energy to open them.

"Ciel," I rasped out.

"Jayne, are you alright? What happened?" He frantically asked me, I could tell he was worried and scared even though his voice sounded monotone. It was a sister thing I guess,

"I'm fine. My head hurts and I'm quite tired." I said softly, my head still pounding,

"You should rest," He said before I heard his footsteps moving away. "Sebastian, take Jayne to her room. You're in charge of her recovery,"

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