•- T.W.O -•

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"The- the dark souls?" I asked in confusion,

Then suddenly Meg smacked on Joe's and Ryan's head. She glared at both of them while both of them gave sheepish smiles.

"You idiots! Stop scaring her like that" Meg said and hugged me. I look at them in confusion until they started laughing. My confusion turned into glare.

"Geez, you guys gave me a little fright at that moment" I said and they shook with laughter. In response, I rolled my eyes.

"But what exactly happened?" I asked and I noticed that the cafeteria is almost getting back to normal,

"Nothing exactly, principal came and shouted at all of us" Meg said and shrugged her shoulders while I sigh in relief,

"Thank God, I wasn't here, I wouldn't be able to bear his lecture at my free time." I said, relief evident in my tone and the boys just rolls their eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Joe said, and then attempts to steal my fries from my plate, I then smack his hand away making the fries fall back on my plate.

"Oh right, on the way to here I bumped into this huge, strong guy with a really deep voice. Anyone has any idea who he is? Never saw him around" I asked, for some reason I asked about that guy, I am confused about my own behaviour. Suddenly, they look like they're on alert and sit up.

"Why ask about a guy you only bumped into?" Meg asked, somewhat suspicious, surprising me a little bit.

"I don't know, he must be a new junior or something." Ryan said, shrugging his shoulders and throwing the topic out. Being a student of this school since kindergarten, means we know most of the students and teachers here. We are also familiar with a lot of students and teachers. So, being a senior, any junior is not gone unnoticed.

"So, how were your classes this morning?" Joe asked, easily changing the topic to which I feel relieved because their strange behaviour was freaking me out. The four of us then talked about how our day went, also about other weird stuff that happened to them and immediately their strange behaviour has been forgotten.

After our 25 minutes break we got back to our classes and now I'm sitting in the fourth class of mine with Joe, who wouldn't stop nagging me.

"Hey Em, watcha doin'?" Joe asks, while he pokes his finger, the nth time, on my arm.

I let out a frustrated sigh and turn to look at him.

"Joe, if you poke me one more time, I-" suddenly the classroom door bursts open and the whole class becomes quiet as well as the teacher stopped teaching and stared at the door.

"How can I help you?" the teacher asks the unrevealed person.

"New student" the guy with deep British accent and deep voice said

"Well does this new student have a name?" The teacher asked, as the teacher examines the 'new student'.

"Har-" just as he was about to complete, a blonde guy rushes and stops as he was going to run into the door but he anyways got squashed when three other guys rushed in his direction.

"What the hell Niall!? Why did you stop!?" One of the three guy asked,

"I am sorry but I was trying not to die by squishing to a door and well thanks to you three!" The blonde guy, whose name is Niall, responded with a glare.

The teacher clears his throat and grabs their attention.

"Enough of chit chat, get to your seats" he said, clearly not bothered to know their names or to even introduce themselves, and immediately they all passed by the row I am sitting at.

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