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I quickly sit as soon as I saw it. The same ruby stoned necklace sits on my study table, shining as bright as the moon light. I get up from my bed and walk towards the shining necklace with my heart thumping hard inside my body. I stare at the necklace with my eyes wide while my mind just went blank.

"Is this necklace haunted?" I ask myself without even thinking.

"Nah, it just walked here, for sure." I said to myself with sarcasm dripping from each word I said.

"Great, I am going crazy now." I said and just run to mum's room.

I didn't see mum inside her room so I assumed she must be in the living room with Meg. I was about to head there but then I stopped. I thought of how mum and Meg reacted when they saw the necklace and how they would react if I tell them about this. So I retracted the idea of telling them and went back to my room.

I lie on my bed, staring at the brightly shining necklace. As if it's looking at me and mocking me that it can shine brighter than my god damn future. I couldn't stop staring at the still shining necklace but somehow my eyes began to droop and I was drifted off to darkness dreaming about something weird.

"Yes my daughter! You shall take my revenge!" The old man said, looking at somewhere I am standing at.

"Daughter? Who?" I asked in confusion, looking back and searching for another person.

"You my darling." He said, looking at me?

"Me?" I asked, pointing at myself.

"Yes my darling, you." He said, smiling at me with his crooked teeth.

"What revenge?" I whisper,

"The answer will soon be revealed by him." The word 'him' held so much hatred that made me shiver in fear of what this man could do.

"Him who?" I asked,

"Harry." He whispered into my ears.

I woke up immediately, breathing heavily and looking around in fear and confusion. I slowed my breathing while keeping my eyes close to keep myself calm. My eyes then shot open in realisation.

"Harry? I have heard this name before." I said to myself.

I then take out my journal in which I write everything down, as well as my dreams, and when the pages are filled with words, I then burn them so that no part of my past is left. I go through the highlighted pages, the pages my dreams are written, and finally the name Harry caught my eyes. I read the whole page and the next page, then the page after that and the page after that and the same dream has been repeated more than 30 times. For obvious reason, I should've memorised the dream but I forgot all about it when it stopped showing up. The last day I saw the same dream was the day my senior year, after a long vacation, started. I stare at the page and the date, re-reading the dream and memorising the name Harry.

Why revenge? Is all I can think. What is the connection with all of them, or maybe it's just dreams. Not all dreams mean something, not all dreams are meant to be true that's why it's called a dream. An imaginary fantasy while our mind stays unconscious.

I then stare at the clock, hanging on my baby blue colour wall. I stare at the numbers for no apparent reason, maybe because the clock seems more interesting than the necklace. Since I woke up, I didn't even glance at that necklace thinking that staring at the necklace will bring weirder dreams. Suddenly my head started throbbing in pain so bad, I flinched and held my head, slightly pressing it to reduce the pain but nothing was working. I then fell on the bed and was drifted into the darkness.

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