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His lips, soft and warm as he presses them against mine. I couldn't help but kiss back. Our eyes closed and our kiss passionate yet innocent, none of us seemed hungry for each other but warmth. I force myself to pull away from the fantasy and come back to the reality. I look at him while he looks into me, confused.

"Why?" I ask,

"You push me away but come closer like the sudden gust of wind." I say and wait for his reply.

"Don't be with him." Harry says, and I start to feel my rage.

"Why do you care?" I ask him,

"What does it matter?" I ask him again and yet again, he doesn't say anything.

"Damn it, Harry! Say something!" I exclaimed in frustration while hitting his chest.

"He is dangerous." He says,

"And you are not?" I ask and scoff at the end.

"No, I promise I will keep you safe." He says, softly. I let out a gasp after hearing his words and suddenly my chest was filled with warmth. The necklace, still glowing very brightly.

"Do you mean it Harry?" I whisper, as my heart bangs against my chest, waiting for the reply.

"Yes." He says and pecks on my lips, then disappears in a blink of an eye, leaving behind the aroma dancing with the wind. Suddenly, I started to feel very sleepy as my eye lids became heavier with each blink. Soon, I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

After 2 days of having that weird dream, which felt real, I didn't see Harry once at all. I don't even trust my own memory now. My mind has been swarming with questions. I touch the necklace, which is stuck to my collar. My family and Meg's family has been trying to get rid of it, but none succeeded. The necklace also starts glowing whenever Harry is around, that's what I think. But these two days, the necklace never glowed nor did I ever see Harry.

"Hey, long time no see" A voice, I have gotten used to, said behind me. I turn around with a grin and hit Zayn playfully on his arm. Even when Harry wasn't around, I have been hanging out with Zayn a lot and we have gotten close but not close enough.

"Hey, we just met an hour ago." I say with a scoff, he replies with a charming smile.

"That's a long time for me." Zayn says with a pout, I start laughing and poke his cheek.

"Stop acting cute." I said while still poking his cheek. He caught my hand in a blink, and pulled me closer making my eyes go wide.

"Za-zayn, what are you do-doing?" I stutter, I could feel Harry's words echoing inside my head, 'he is dangerous', Zayn looked right into my eyes and started leaning towards my face. I couldn't move even if I want to, it's like I am paralysed. I closed my eyes tight as I stand there defenceless. I could feel his cheek on mine and his breath tickling my ear.

"Don't call guys cute." He whispered and the let go of me with a teasing smile. I let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me." I muttered to myself as I breathed heavily until I calmed down.

"Hm? Did you say something?" He asks and I shake my head, denying it.

"Come on, I will walk you home." He said and we started walking. We were walking silently until I decided to seek answered for my unanswered questions.

"Zayn?" I call him out,

"Hmm?" He responded,

"Do you know Harry?" I ask him, while carefully looking at his face. He gave no reaction.

"Nope." He said, pooping the 'P'.

"Hmm." I said,

"Why do you ask?" He asks me,

"We-well Harry said you are dangerous." I said, I didn't notice that he stopped walking until I looked at my side. I look back at him, his lips stretched into a smile I've never seen before. It's identical but the meaning behind his smile is different. So different that I can't put my finger on it, what is different.

"You believe him?" He asks, the wind swooshes by making my hair dance with the wind.

"Of course not!" I exclaimed without thinking. He then smirks and walks towards me.

"Let's go." He says, he increased the amount of unanswered questions in my mind, but I didn't push it so we started walking.

"Thanks for walking me home." I thank him when we reached my home.

"No need to thank me." He said,

"Okay, how about we go for a walk in the park at night, 10." He suggests,

"Isn't day better?" I ask him,

"Night is relaxing." He says with a shrug, I smile at him and nod.

"Okay, I will see you at night!" I said and waved him goodbye before getting inside my home.

As I kept myself busy by training and learning spells and stuff, the time passed by pretty quick. When I looked at the time, it was already 10:30 pm. I hurriedly changed and approached the door, praying that he will be late too.

"Mum! I am going out!" I shout, she then appears in front of me out of blue.

"Now?" she asks, and I nod.

"Yes and stop using the transportation spell, it freaks me out." I say and leave the house.

It's still unreal how magic still exists, I can't even believe magic does exist. My life has changed when my last year of high school started, since then a lot of things happened. If someone would say this would happen to me back then, I would just laugh it off and make fun of it.

My lips stretches, forming a smile, when the park comes to sight. When I reach to the main spot, I see no one. I look around searching for Zayn, but no one is anywhere near. The benches placed at the sides were empty too. The breeze was chilly, causing goosebumps to arise all over my body, so I start rubbing my arms to warm myself. I look at the sky and sigh. Zayn did say it's relaxing and he was right, it really is relaxing.

I walk further deeper, fallen dried leave crunching under my feet as I walk. I hear distant voices, I didn't mind but there was another voice, sounded like Harry. I stopped walking and curiosity perked inside me, I head towards the voice. I then glance at my necklace, and it is glowing lightly, means Harry is actually here, but what is he doing here? I hide behind a tree and peek at what's going on. I see Harry with a frown and someone else. I couldn't see who that person is because of the bush covering him. It looks like they are arguing about something, I tried to listen but they were standing way far from where I am. Suddenly, I hear my name from the person I didn't see, I could see Harry's face turning into a very scary frown, then he takes a step forward. Then suddenly, I saw a figure with black wings, rise from where the person I couldn't see. My eyes widen in surprise and I let out a gasp. I take a step back and accidentally I stepped on a twig, making a sound of breaking. Both of them look my way and I start running. I start running as fast I could. But unfortunately, I was too slow to get away.

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