Chapter 6

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"Esther, what a pleasant surprise to see on this beautiful Thursday night" I knew what she was doing, she knew my parents would have told me it was her that suggested this, so obviously she knew it's be her i was most furious with. "Yes. It's such a shame to be stuck inside on such an alluring night but instread i have to be here, not out there getting on with my life like any normal person" oh burn, maybe i came down a little harsher than usual. Though she ignored my ruefulness and got back to the same script she went by every week.

"How are you today? And on a scale from one to ten what is you're mood, One being the worst and ten being the best" The smile didn't fade on as she read her writing.

"I'm FINE" i said harshly. "And it would have to be a four"

As she proceeded to talk, i proceeded in not listening. I couldn't stop thinking about ethan. It wasn't fair. we could be talking and getting to know each other but instead i'm here!

I was getting so worked up about this, i couldn't get my head around that my parents want me to have a normal life and normal friends, and l've literally just past the perfect oppertunity. To actually live life, my life while i still have it, while it's still mines for the keeping.

"Is there anything in particular you want to talk about today?" She threw her questions on the table as she did every week. I thought about it, i had two choices A) like normal i could be difficult and hard to get to or B) I could tell her everything i was thinking and feeling and either make a lot of progress or end up screaming at her for five minutes straight, and actually that seemed like a pretty good idea right now, i balanced my options in my head while she blathered on. In the end why does it matter anyway, why no tell her and get it over and out the window. I didn't know how many days remained for me so i went for what felt right " You know what !?!? I'm sick, litteraly Sick with my parents telling me i need to talk about my condition and share my feelings about it, cause honestly i don't want to i just wanna get on with what i can, while i can and do everything i can and forget im ill but i do talk about it and when i try they just ignore me, and then them saying i need a life and it's good to have a healthy relationship with friends. They think i don't try! Cause trust me i try but no one wants to be friends with the weak, sick, deranged girl. Five minutes ago i held the longest conversation i'd ever had with a boy and now thats all over, i just threw that out the window, Along with my self respect !!!" I end my rant gasping for breath, her facial expretion was unreadable. Had i made the famous (not really) Dr Waterstone speachless???

"YES!" she basically yelled " Esther thats brilliant, we have finally made some progress"

"What!?!?!" rage and fury corrupted me.

"Don't you see that you've finally opened up, Now maybe we can get somewhere"

"HU!!" i had gone total ape shit. "Yeah, well you know what! you arent getting anywhere with me. I just told you everything!! Everything i'm feeling, everything im thinking and you couldn't care less about it than i do.....I'm out of here" I grabbed my things and ran ( or attempted to run ) for the door

"Esther, wait everything will be just fine. Come back!"

I brust through the door and saw Oliver thin angle baring face. Tears flooded my eyes and cascaded my face. My hair fell down the line of my face and stuck to my wet cheeks while my locks flew down my back as i flet the hall way. I didn't look back, i didn't even know where i was going, i had no idea where my feet would lead me all i knew is that my main priority was to get out of this place.

"Esther?" I heard a familiar voice call from behind, I saw Oliver slowly jogging behind me there was curiousity in his voice. But i kept running.

Next thing i know i was lying on the face down on a concrete slab. "Esther?" Ethan now by my side holding me at my shoulder. A throbbing pain came from the top of my head, i lifted my arm and stroked my head "Are you okay?" He asked in his godly voice.

"No" I returned to crying. " I can't believe mt stupid bones won't even allow me to make such a dramatic exit" I tried to make a joke out of the situation but he wasn't having any of it. He sat on the edge of the kerb and pulled me closer to him, stroking the ends on my tangled hair and asked "Do you wanna talk about it?" He alleged quitely.

"Not unless you want another episode of the water works" I giggled but he didn't. I had to give this up

"I'm serious, if you wanna talk about it, then we can and if you dont then i'll forget it even happened" He continued in combing the ends of my hair as i thought about his proposal.

"Basically i opened up and told her everything i felt and thought and she threw it back in my face, just as nearly everyone else i've know does or has done, i don't know why i thought she'd be different" i kept control of myself and to my accomplishment i did not cry.  I liked this, him comforting me. I enjoyed the feeling of being able to tell him anything, but not just knowing he'd be there but the fact that he sincerely listenes.

"I think we need ice-cream" He smoothly anounced into our river of silence.

"Well, I think thats the best idea you've had so far" I chuckled

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