Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Caitlin Hodge

I awoke in the ICU, the room was light and open, the walls painted milk white. I had tubs and wires pluged into both arms, with two machines beeping above my head. Oxygen tube tickled the hairs in my nose as i inhaled. The room was empty and quite. Not what i was used to in a hospital. I much be doing alright or they wouldn't have left my bed side.

Ethan tip toed in, he jumped when he saw i was awake "I'm so, so sorry" I apologised again

"Are you okay? You scared us half to death"

"I'm fine i  promice. I'm so sorry for spoiling our date"

"it's perfectly fine, aslong as......." His eye's lit up "Wait did you just call it a date?"

I blushed, putting colour into my cheeks "Emmm....emmm.. yes"

"Good!" cause that's what i was hoping for. We laughed. "And also you can't tell you're parents i was i here or they'd kill me"

"Why?" Turns out my parents cause push me to the literal breaking point. I clenched my jaw.

"They said it was family only, But i had to see you so i snuck in obviously, make sure you were alive"

He said on the edge of the bed beside me and kissed me on the cheek "Know that i've seen for myself that you're okay. I better go before i get caught"

"Okay" i replied with. And he left. I lay staring at the bland sealing. I had studdied hospital sealings very well and at this point i can say that i have never came across something more boring than this. I heard fast foot steps echo down the corrodore. Ethan came running back into my room, panic washed over his face. Not the best look for him i must admit.

"Hello agian"

"You're parents are coming, If they catch me i'm dead"

"Get under the bed then" He dived under

"Esther, You're awake" My mother was happy and you don't see that often. she had her ams open for a hug. my dad smiled and patted me lightly on the back.

"How are you?" The both asked at the same time

"Good i guess. Just wanting to go home"

"Well we have good new in that you can go home tonight and that what happened wasn't anything major it's just a side affect because of your.......illness"

"It's cancer, mum. It's not a bad word. I have cancer and you're gonna have to get used to the fact that's it's taking over me and in a time that;s all i'm gonna be is cancer" I got kinda mad for some reason

"Esther Danial's, don't talk to you're mother that way" she started crying in my fathers arms. Why was there so much drama. I moaned in my head. A loud clinck came from under my bad. Ethan. I'd almost forgotten he was under there. I started to cough. "What was that?" my father asked


"That noise"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I have no clue how they bought that saying i was the shittest actor in the world.

The subject was now changed thank god. My dad stood and my mum sat on the seat next to my bed.

"Ethan came by, took his car with you're dad while i was in the ambulence"

"Where is he?" obviously i knew but i have to keep up with my role.

"We sent him home, we though it should only be family"

"Why? why would you do that. He only wanted to see for himself that i was okay and after helping aswell and then you do that" I started shouting again.

"Calm down now" my dad spoke in a placid tone. I looked away from then and rolled my eye's. My father spoke next "You're mother and i have been talking and we think you should stop seeing Ethan as much as you have been"

"What, you can't do that"

"Yes We can" My mum whispered over my shouting "We're you're parents and we're just trying to protect you"

"And how is that. By taking away my only happiness"

"This is not open for discussion and that's final" I couldn't believe they were doing this to me "You will be aloud to see him once a week, with curfew" My mother stroked my head but i pulled away " We're only doing this to protect you, we don't want toto get to attached"

I couldn't be having this, not now. I'm stitting in a hospital and this is the new they confornt me of. I guess in a good way if i killed them now atleast i wouldn't need to call an ambulance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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