Chapter 8

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It was the 2nd day after my acquaintance with Ethan Jenkins and in total he's texted me 247 times with two phone calls along side.  It's Sunday which means family night. Normally We'll watch a movie and eat pizza or go to the bowling ally or do something as simple as a picnic in the park.

I was staring at my phone sprawled out across my bed like a cat. It vibrated

Ethan: How's family night working out?

Me: Still trying to decide what we're doing but it's most likely going to be the bowling ally

Ethan: Have fun. Talk soon

Me: Thanx

I heard footsteps down stares "Esther, Get you're jacket. We're about to go" My dad shouted from the room below me

"Yes. Coming"  I treaded down each step trying to put my jacket and shoes on until i reached the door where my parents stood


I nodded

We got to the bowling ally. I didn't complain, I didn't come out ith anything offensive about my decease adn i didn't do anything wrong either. Not because i wasn't still totaly pissed with my parents or becase i didn't want to either, cause trust me i wanted to but really because I felt a sort of sympathy for them. Normally i always had some sympathy but after they royally piss me of it kind of dies until i get more bad news and feel some what of a burden than a blessing truly cause i am the source of their pain. That really in my right mind I should be nice to them and not exceed into showing them that i was the abomination of life they once created.                         The bowling ally was quiet. A tall woman with short hair and a fat face served us at the counter. While my dad paid for our bowling, I wandered off. There was another family here, two mum's with a girl who was dragginga rag doll long the ground. She looked maybe six and a boy sitting with his back turned to me, he had dark messy hair wearing a flannel shirt. Once of the mum's cheered as the other got a strike. Both the boy and the girl clapped and hooted as the lady embarrassingly started to dance. I laughed, a little louder than intended. Not in the intentions of being mean but inthe fact that they were genienly having a good time. Which isn' something i was used to feeling. Family night is about having fun, with family but ever since i was diagnosed fun never really seamed to happen very often. The boy showed his face. Ethan. No way! I covered my face adn turned my back. I wished he hadn't seen me but i knew he had.


I walked towards him "Imagine seeing you here" His cocky smile resurfaced

"Yeah It's such a coincidence" We laughed

My parents shouted me over and i signalled for them to give me a second. "Do you think you're family would mind if we took the lain next to yours?"

"No! definitly not"

I laughed again

"Patience little grasshopper, we don't want to seem to eager. I'll got tell my parents. Mind coming along so they can meet you?"

I held the side of his arm as we walked in the direction in which my parents stood 

"Mum, dad. I'd like you to meet Ethan Jenkins" He politely said hello to my mum ans shook the hand of my dad "Believe it or notwe ran into each other, his family are also here. Do you think it's possibl if we could take the lain beside them?"

They looked at each other using only their eyes to debate the matter "Sure, why not" My dad replied.

The bowling ally was a success, both his mum's were extremely welcoming and wanted to know everything about me. Especially how both Ethan and i met. My parents on the other hand were slightly stale. They did speak to the jenkins but their was no laughing and joking everything had to be serious. which made me uncomfortable.

His sister Molly is everything you could every wish for in a little sister. She kept on asking me to come over and play with her dolls, which is something i've always wanted to experience if i ever had a little sister so i didn't turn down the oppertunity

                 The journey home was tough. I was mad at my parents for the way they acted round the Jenkins. I did apologise to Ethan before hand on the way they'd probably act. There was a part of me that knew they wouldn't be know i dreaded they were but once again i was proven wrong. As much as i wanted to shout and scream at them i knew that i'd be wasting my breath, They  wouldn't believe me or they'd just tell me i was the one looking at the situation wrong. That we weren't the stale family, we were normal and they were not.

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