22. Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Any business like manner disappeared as we sat down on the bed. He looked like a teen girl waiting to hear the latest gossip.

"noooww, what's going on between you and Killian" he wiggled his colorful eyebrows suggestively.


"Don't lie to me, sweetie, I think I know what's going on, I'm just making sure my theory is correct. You looove him don't you?"

"W-what!?! No! You have no idea what is going on!" It scared me that someone could know so much when he had only just met me.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now, from what I see here, your condition seems to point to the brand. Because of his marking you. You see, that there is a curse, honey. It binds you to him for eternity. But!" He holds up a finger,"this has never happened between a demon sand an angel. This is probably affect your body differently than most as your heart learns to accept the curse's presence."

"How long will it last?"

"Only for a couple of days at most"

"Oh, ok then, what do I do?"

"From what I've seen Killian's extreme heat helps to warm your changing skin. So just stay close to Killian"


His grin stretched from ear to ear and he moved off the bed and started packing his things into the dark red bag. After shrugging his bright coat back on he saluted me."farewell, angel, and may we meet again."

He snapped and a large puff of bright pink smoke enveloped him and when it dissipated he was gone. Immediately after he disappeared, the three boys came back into the room. This made me a bit suspicious of whether they were eavesdropping or not.

"So what's up, what's wrong with you?" Colt asked as they moved to the bedside.

I looked down at my fidgeting hands. "Umm, he said that the brand is making my body change or something like that"

Killians eyebrows furrowed in thought,"So, does this happen to all angels?"

"Umm...I think so, no demon has ever branded an angel before"

"Oh, what did Dr. Feinrich tell you to do?"

"He just said to stay near Killian while it lasts." I had been shivering this entire time.

His face was a mask and couldn't quite tell what he was thinking."Ok, we can do that, for now let's get you to sleep."

He slid under the covers next to me and I cuddled as close as possible doing my best to chase away the pain and cold.

We just stayed in bed the entire next day, like the day before we played cards and board games. This time I sat between Killian's legs and leaned against his chest. I actually won a lot of games with the help of Killian's advice that he would whisper in my ear every now and then. It was fun and we shared a lot of laughter. Instead me accusing Colt, he accused me of cheating each time I won.

Our meals were served by monsieur Hugo himself. Each time he would ask how I was doing and when I said I was doing better he would kiss each cheek and send me love from Mizz Heidi.

Two more days went on like this and I soon got bored of movies, board games, and staying in bed. Finally on the third morning when he got up to shower I realized I wasn't shivering anymore.


Killian stepped out of the bathroom his shirt already off. I took a moment to appreciate his toned body."yes, angel?"

I snapped out of my ab induced haze."I think it's over, I'm not cold anymore, I feel fine."

His eyebrows rose slightly but I couldn't read his face any farther than that."oh, that's great."

He moved back into the bathroom as I stretched and sluggishly moved about the room. I'd finally be able to do something interesting and move around some.

I was still thinking about what I wanted to do today when Killian stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. I knew he was teasing me with his display. He spoke as he dried his dripping wet hair with a smaller towel."This is marvelous timing, their is a party at Colt's pack house. I have been invited to attend along with you and James."

After being in the closet for about three seconds he stepped back out in a sharp black suit."Jane and Mary will get you ready, go ahead back to your room."

I left the room and couldn't help but dance energetically through the halls. I hadn't dance since being captured and it felt good to leap and twist again. My dance expressed the excited joy I felt in response to my newfound freedom of movement.

"His majesty, Lord Killian and his pet, Nova!" A man announced our presence as we gracefully glided down the steps. This ballroom did not even come close to the extravagance of our own, but it was beautiful. Everyone present was tall and gorgeous. Most people had dark hair and sunkissed skin. A few people throughout the room has markings along their skin which I soon realized signified rankings. My black dress barely swept against the floor as I walked beside Killian. He looked far too grandeur for the others in the room. Surely I looked absolutely horrid next to all of the tall, powerful attendants.

Killian leaned over and whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my neck pleasantly."make sure that nobody sees your wings."

We were greeted by a man who was nearly as tall as Killian with dark hair peppered with grey. He grasped the Devil's hands in his own and welcomed him warmly."how wonderful of you to come! I am extremely sorry that I could not make it to your gathering, my wife is pregnant and could not be left alone at the time."

At this moment a beautiful woman with frizzy hair and an enormously round stomach waddled over.

"Oh!" she gasped excitedly,"So this is the angel I've heard so much about! What an adorable thing she is!"

She pulled me into an awkward hug due to her impregnated belly. She looked very young to be having children. I would guess that she was about seventeen. Killian laughed at my worried expression as she started dragging me away. "Don't worry, we'll just give them some guy time. Look! The food table! That's my favorite part of any party. You look like you need some skin on those bones. They have been feeding you down there haven't they? By the way my name is Lavanna"

She wouldn't let me get a word in as she jabbered on about the castle and everyone in the room. Though I liked how talkative she was. Sometimes I prefer just to listen. Plus, she spend a large majority of the time telling me about all of the people in the room. There were plenty of older men with young wives which I found quite strange before Lavanna explained.

"The men in our society show there age faster than the women. Age signifies wisdom and power while youth represents liveliness and kindness. These qualities are important for each gender of werewolves. Though many of the men are mated to younger women. Darius, my husband, is fifteen years older than I am."

She continued talking but I zoned out as I noticed a woman with pitch black hair and bulging breasts approach Killian. She placed a hand on in his arm and practically stuck her boobs in his face as she fluttered her eyelashes. Before I could catch myself I let an enraged growl escape my throat. Lavanna looked at me shocked, then followed my gaze and found what my attention had been captured by.

"Go, tell that girl off of your man."

"B-but he's not my man, I'm only his pet"

"That doesn't matter, Sheba is a hoe, go kick that girls ass if you need to. I've got your back."

With that we headed off straight toward the men.

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