Chapter 26: madness3: shell shock: May 19, 4997

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Weeks. Fucking weeks. Not being permitted to leave this fucking custom 3 meter by 3 meters by 3-meter electric cell. Day and night there's 4 guards with their fucking rifles trained on me. I get to stare at the fucking wall of Drent's father's mansion. Or I look at the guards or I sleep. That's fucking it! They put a commode in here, and once every other day I get fucking sprayed with a hose almost drowning through my food hole.
I get fed one hot meal a day and 2 cold meals. I tried to talk to my guards they can't understand me. So it's not much use.
I have also tested my cell by smashing into it as hard as I can. It no longer turns white, the very last level before they break, it only turns black. (brown black red orange yellow green blue indigo violet white) So I'm only getting through the first level of defense out of ten.
I decide to take another nap.
Things take a different hold as I'm closing my eyes. Drent picks me up on the run. And I see three more of me running side by side. I feel a liquid on my face running down that burns.
The one holding me says, "hi I'm Darin. I can't hold you much longer. The rain will kill us all." As he smiles at me so cheerfully and full of life.
A long serpentine shadow comes out of the darkness beneath us and three of us don't get hit. The rest get thrown against the wall.
The ones who got hit stop moving immediately. The shadow takes shape into an arm and comes towards us three and I hear from nowhere as the rain intensifies Es el que está en control aquí. Aquí es el control en uno la.

I switch to the left of Darin, the arm goes through him then recedes the rain is deafening and melting my skin, Darin stares at me, "Preservation the non-merciful the non-martyr is in me." His body contorts and expands unnaturally. It looks very painful as he starts to bleed out of his pores in his skin. Air comes out of his mouth as he screams and he voids himself. I see a smile reveals itself past a mouth and he starts picking parts of his body of his that didn't fall off from him expanding inside someone else.
"Te tengo para esperar otros con jugar.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Me llaman preservación. Loki llamarme. "
"What do you want?"
He uses his left arm to capture the other remaining Drent. "Muerte" then he pulls him back to us. And uses his right arm to pull off his head. As blood squirts everywhere. "La diversión hecha, tiene que divertirse de alguna manera y llega para mí"
The hand is ice cold as he grips my left arm which is little more than some skin covering my bone from this acid rain the icy cold engulfs me while he only holds my arm. My arm begins healing as more of this acid rain hits me. And suddenly I can understand him. "We are two halves. I am you. I'm the half of you that wants to kill these fuckers. They will call me insane, I will take this far. I'm dying to see how this ends. This will be forever, dying in the dancing flames."
"You are not me I'm not that aggressive."
"You are a sophomore, let's find out what you want. At the very least I am the perfect storm. I'm just a daydream dressed as a nightmare an angel with a devil's smile. And we are in this cage because you were hunting humans for food, with your bare hands."
"How come you only look half like the vessel when you are touching me?"
"You are a fraction of his personality, and I am a fraction of you, I am your anger."
I feel his touch start to warm up the rain is no longer in droplets but it starts to elongate and twirl.
"Why didn't you kill me like the rest of the personalities?"
"I am made of you; I would be killing me it is a fucked up kind of suicide. I absorbed the original. Now are you joining me or am I imprisoning you?"
"I want to watch the takedown of the 4 rotations of guards."
"That, my friend will happen tonight."

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