Chapter One; Resist!

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This is the ONLY time I am warning you so pay attention.

THERE WILL BE SEX in this book. NOTE THE (R) sign on the side >>> 

Pastor's get down with their wives, be relastic now. lmao. NO really they do :D

Good DAy.

Happpy Reading

COMMEnt,LOVE,FAn,ReAd, and VOte if you EnJOyed!


Trevon sat in front of his congregation who all quieted down at once. ,”Why you all got quiet is beyond me.” Trevon eyed each of his twenty five members. They all had different problems, different situations, and they all came from different places, but they all wanted and desired to achieve the same goal no matter how they appeared to look from the outside.

Rachel, one of his youngest members cracked her gum eyeing him back. “What pastor? Why you eyeing us? You got something you need to say? Just say it. You aint gotta be eyeing us like we did something.” Trevon leaned back in his chair before speaking. “When you hear the word temptation, what comes to mind?” Robert who was slouched into one of the pews shouted ,”SEX!” Rachel and a couple other of his youngest members all howled and clapped at Robert’s clever response.

Trevon chuckled. ,”Well Robert, you are correct, but temptation is far more than just sex.” Mrs. Linda one of his oldest members nodded in agreement. ,”You can be tempted to do drugs, you can be tempted by the devil to do something you don’t want to do, and you can be tempted by your flesh.

Trevon pulled at the loose skin on the back of his hand. “You see this.” Trevon walked closer to his members urging them to follow his action. Rachel started playing with the skin on her own hand while, Robert looked at Pastor Morris rather intrigued. ,”That’s dumb. What the fuck does that mean?” Ida spoke from Rachel’s side .

Rachel kicked her sister in the knee. ,”Watch your damn mouth. You see where we are? You can’t be cussin’ in here stupid ass. I’m sorry pastor.” Mrs. Linda eyed both her daughters as Trevon step down from behind the podium walking over to stand beside Ida. ,”Well Ida, we as fleshly beings have feelings, and emotions that can get us into difficult situations and cause issues.” Niala lit up like a lamp as she hugged her bible into her bosom. ,”So Mrs. Linda is saying we can be tempted by our flesh, because of our emotions?”  Sarah’s mouth hung agape. ,”So we can cause our own temptation!?”

Trevon smiled brightly at each of his members. “Precisely.” A look of conformation crossed each of their faces, even Ida nodded in understanding. Trevon walked slowly around his small church, turning on a couple fans. ,”So Pastor Morris is that like having a lust for something.” Kandance held her hand up as she questioned.

“Well lust and temptation can probably co-inside” Travis leaned forward from his chair. He was usually quiet but this topic had pricked his voice box. Travis looked at Pastor Morris as if he was unsure. Trevon pulled his best poker face. ,”Hey, this is bible study. Not Pastor Morris reads and you guys listen. When you study you participate. Don’t look at me so make sure your right.”

Everybody started laughing when Trevon smiled and sat in a pew behind them. “Pretend I’m not even here, I want to hear what you all have to say.” Travis smirked. “Well, I guess what I’m saying is.. you can have lust for something and be tempted to go do it?” Travis asked rather than stated.

Yolanda cleared her throat. ,”Say you want an oreo cookie, but you know you aren’t suppose to have it because you have your8th cavity, but you know it’s gonna be good for just that moment so you are tempted to eat because you know it’s gone taste good with some milk.”

Everybody giggled and Trevon gave a goofy grin at Yoland’s detailed explanation.

Trevon was ordained to be a pastor about 2year’s earlier and since then opened up a small church near his area called; Loving Christ Chruch. He formally had 6 members previous to ordination as he and his wife had been preparing to open up the church he had now.

Mrs. Linda was their very first member, an older women of 50 who had spent month’s crying and praying over her two daughters to give the lord if not themselves, five minutes of themselves.

 Mr. James was Linda’s husband of 55 he’d been absolutely burnt out from being dragged back and forth to church as a little boy, but that one time Mrs. Linda dragged him to Loving Christ he kept coming back, it was something about Pastor Morris that drew him into the kingdom.

Yolanda, an younger women of 25 had problems of her own, attempting suicide 10 different times because her daughter had gotten kill by a drunk driver. She had almost successfully killed herself two of those times, but thank god that she had lived through both times. Yolanda than wonder why in god’s name would he have saved her twice if her life had no purpose, after months of searching she met Pastor Morris in a grocery store and his loving personality and charismatic spirit walked her right into his congregation.

Shonda, a younger women of 28 who has always believed and had faith of her own, was a single mother. It is not easy, is takes time, patience and understanding, her daughter is an angel in her eyes and she wants her to receive anything the lord has to give. Shonda did not meet Trevon, but she met his wife while getting her hair done one day, and the way this women talked about the love for husband was appalling she’d seen no marriage like this women’s, and was eager to know about her relationship, and thus she was brought to Loving Christ Chruch.

Kandance was a facebook a-holic, a very young women of 18 found Loving Christ Chruch on face book and for week’s chuckled at Trevon sweet comments and loving ways. He was goofy but he had a very strong spirit of faith, and trust. Kandance was shocked that he was talking to her daily asking her how she was doing, like really talking to her, Kandance finally decided to go one sunday to meet this man of god, not only was Pastor Morris daringly attractive, but what a man he was. His love was fierce, he was genuine and caring and Kandance couldn’t fight back the holy spirit that day she got saved.

And Lastly was Robert, there is not a whole lot to say about him. Yet.

Rachel, 17  had finally been dragged to bible study one day by her mother, and then she began coming by herself when her mother couldn’t make it.  She claimed she liked the atmosphere and feel of the church and she commented that Pastor Morris was goofy and unlike any pastor she’d ever met, plus everyone there seemed so real they actually had real attitudes and they allowed them to show. Although she being unsaved had a walk to go she was trying her best to stay on path, and then Ida, 15  slowly followed behind. Travis, 18 came, and not to long after Pastor Morris had drawn in twenty five members.



Tell me which one these people most match you, even if it's robert.  

I'm Kandance only I'm not addicted to face book and I'm a little older than her lol.

SO who are you?:) NO SERIOUSLY I WANT TO KNOW. lol 

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