Chapter Nine; "Daddy, This is Danny."

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(Brief Authors Note; You will get a small smidget of Jania/Anthony’s/ and Phylicia POV in a couple chapters starting with this one and when I say a smidget it probably won’t that long and it won’t be too much. It will probably only happen ONCE or TWICE, because the focus is on Trevon and I don’t want to take from that : )

-Thanks for reading buh bye. )

(Danny>>> (He’s 19. I know he’s an A-hole, but I feel Jania’s pain because he is SEXY!!!!)


“Daddy!” Trevon opened his eyes to see Jania. ,”Hi baby girl.” Trevon sat up on the couch yawning. ,”Daddy, This is Danny.” Jania stepped out the way to reveal a handsome young man. Danny smiled at Trevon confidently as he reached out a hand to shake Trevon’s hand. Trevon took Danny’s hand in a very firm grip pulling Danny’s ear to his lips.

” Let me enlighten you Danny, hurt my daughter and I am coming after you. Don’t think we don’t talk and I don’t know a little somethin’ ,somethin’ about you. Be good to her. Do you hear me?” Danny nodded. ,”Yes Sir.” Trevon let Danny’s hand go.

Jania put her hands on her hips glaring at her dad. Trevon stood kissing Jania with a smile. “Daddy, can we go up to my room?” Trevon picked up his screws and drill from the table. ,”No, but you can stay down here while I go upstairs.” “Dad, I’m 16 now.” Trevon looked at his daughter with a blank expression.

”Baby, I know how old you are, and frankly I don’t care. Oh by the way, you see these screws and my drill? If you even try to go up to your room, I want to let you know, I just got finished putting an alarm system up. Any male like people who enter your room besides your brother get electrocuted.  

Trevon winked at Danny knowing he had actually fixed the ceiling fan in the kitchen, but the gasp that came from Danny's mouth was music to his ears, as Trevon went to his room and shut his door.” Jania sighed plopping on the couch.


Danny smiled at Jania and clicked on the t.v “You’re dad scares me.” Jania nodded. ,”He usually scares most of the guys I like away.” Danny put his arm around Jania’s shoulders. ,”Well, you’re not getting rid of me.” Jania laughed. ,”Hopefully.”

Danny licked his lips looking Jania up and down. ,  “Can we kiss?” Jania turned to look upstairs, but her dad’s door was closed now.”Yes.”Jania whispered feeling Danny’s lips touch her’s. As soon as Danny’s tongue began to slip into her mouth, they both jumped back upon hearing Anthony’s bedroom door opening.

Anthony jogged down the stairs, and look them both over, before walking over and putting his face directly in front of Danny’s, locking eyes with him.. ,”Man, I swear you do one thing to fuck with her, I’mma come beat your ass you heard?” Jania shifted uncomfortably.

That’s one thing Anthony and Trevon had in common they were intimidating, but they both meant well and had a big heart. Danny coughed a little and nodding breaking his eyes away from Anthony’s. “Sis. Anthony just gave her a look before going into the kitchen. Jania sighed. Why did they have to be so over protective, she didn’t get to do anything

Once Anthony had returned upstairs. Danny had his hand’s shoved between Jania’s thighs . Jania took in sharp breaths letting out heavy ones as his fingers rubbed and played with her clit.  Jania gasped as he roughly pushed a finger inside her.

“Ooh you’re so wet Jania. Let’s go back to my apartment?” Danny whispered pulling his hand from between her thighs. Jania nodded eagerly. ,” Okay, I’ll tell Dad we are going to the movies.” Danny smiled. ,” Good thinking, you are a smart girl.”Jania smiled appreciatively at Danny as she walked up to her dad’s room.


Phylicia giggled as her husband tried to push her into the back seat when they entered the car from the doctor’s office. “Trevon! Let’s just go home, just go home.” Phylicia fought his hand’s from her blouse and skirt. Trevon growled at his wife turning the car off. “I’m sorrrrry.” Phylicia screamed out as he leaned out his seat reaching his hands up her skirt.

Trevon had just gotten of work to meet Phylicia at the doctor’s and she looked beautiful and radiant in her white blouse and beautiful lime green skirt. Phylicia’s doctor was very busy today and it had taken them a total of 30 mintues to get back into a room, and after 15mintues Phylicia had gotten bored and taken the advantage of teasing Trevon. Phylicia had loosened the button’s on Trevon’s pants. ,’Baby, this aint right. What are you doing?”

Phylicia ignored him as he swatted her hands away from his crotch. ,”Baby stop it. Come on now.” Phylicia giggled finally pulling him out all the way. Trevon weaked at the feeling of his wife’s hands holding and stroking his member. ,”Baby, we aren’t suppose to do this here.” Trevon spoke weakly as she played with and started kissing him. Trevon pulled away from the kiss but Phylicia grab at his lip with her teeth, stroking him rapid.

“Phylicia..”Trevon groaned pleading her to stop it before he came, Phylicia giggled watching him grab onto the table,his knee’s turning into jello as he wobbled left to right. Phylicia knew she would hear hell about this from him later. Trevon would deffinately preach to her about how husband and wife were only suppose to do this in private company, their OWN private company. Trevon finally fought her hand’s away from his dick.

”Phylica.. We are going to talk later.” . ”You deny your wife no time. Aint that in the bible pastor?? 1 Corinthians 7:3-6?? ” Phylicia spoke loudly smiling sheepishly as Trevon glared at her hiding a smile,”BUT We are suppose to be in the privacy of our home! So Be quiet wife” Phylicia wanted to break out laughing hearing him zip his pants up, before the doctor entered the room to tell Phylicia she was 6week’s pregnant and some other informaton.

And now Trevon was fighting her in the car for that fun time she had in the doctor. “You thought that was funny baby?” Trevon smiled at her as she closed her legs tightly together. Phylicia nodded giggling. Trevon nodded staring the car again. ,” Okay, Just wait till we get home, you had better run and hope you make it in the house fast enough.”

Phylicia busted in the house immediately trying to make it to their bedroom, but Trevon swept her off her feet falling into the couch with her. Phylicia went down laughing with her arms around her husband neck as he began kissing her everywhere.

Phylicia started to unbuckle his pants as Trevon began pulling her skirt and panties off, Trevon plunged deep into Phylicia making her let out a loud howl, Trevon grabbed the arm of the couch pounding into her. Phylicia screamed out Trevon’s name loudly, but they both stopped upon seeing Anthony come from his room his eyes wide.

Phylicia gasped grabbing her skirt back on. “Anthony? Why are you here?” Trevon looked at him confused. “The power went off at the school.” Trevon let a frustrated sigh pulling his wife up and popping her butt. ,”Bedroom now.” “Hi honey.” Phylicia kissed Anthony’s cheek going into her room.

Trevon looked at his son and winked before following behind his wife. ,”I was hitting It though wasn’t I?” Anthony’s face screwed up in disgust. ,”Dad, that’s mom come on.. God.” Trevon laughed. ,”It’s no different when I hear you say it.” Trevon went into his bedroom shutting the door. Anthony left the house at the sound of his mom’s moans.


Lol it was hard for me to write Jania’s POV. Was it hard for you to read, knowing even though she’s growing up, she’s like “Lil Jania” and every time you hear of her doing something YOU KNOW she’s not suppose to be doing, do you wanna yell at her like her dad does? Lol. Lmao I DO.

And LMAO! At Trevon for his crazy self.

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