Chapter Thirteen; "What in the hell did I just do. ."

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“We fall down, but we get up, for a saint is just a sinner who fell down, and got up.. No matter where you are, and no matter how FAR you fall you can get back up again.” –Donnie Mcclurkin

“When you stumble in your walk, ask the lord to help guide you on your way back up. Every Christian in their walk stumbles, there is no time for shame and judgment, repent and keep on going.”


Trevon touched his temples, his wife’s emotions were just about everywhere and mood swings were in full course of motion. Their doctor had warned them that every husband had a difficult time during this time but he assured them that they would make it through. Trevon’s eyes popped open as something cold and wet hit his back. Trevon turned to sit up to see Phylicia standing in front of him. ,”I hate it when you leave your towels all over the bathroom counter. Trevon took the small face towel between his fingers looking at it before eyeing his wife without saying a word.

Phylicia rolled her eyes and walked back into the bathroom before slamming the door behind her. Trevon sighed sinking back into his pillow waiting for his wife, they hadn’t kissed or made love in about one month now, and Trevon was weary and prayerful. Trevon turned to his left hearing the bathroom door open again, Trevon smiled upon seeing Phylicia’s beautiful face appear from the door before she clicked off the light. ,”Lici.” Phylicia ignored him dropping into the bed beside him. Trevon reached over to touch her stomach but Phylicia swatted his hand. ,”Don’t you dare. I don’t feel good, now goodnight.” Trevon sighed deeply. ,”I love you.” Trevon waited to hear it back, but it never came. “I love you, Phylicia.”“I love you too, go to sleep.” Trevon looked at his wife’s back wanting to pull her close to him, Instead he allowed himself to drift asleep without his wife in his arms, something he hadn’t done since they first started dating years ago


A low whistle escaped Anthony’s lips, as Trevon swallowed down some of the warm coffee in his mug. Who was this boy whistling at now? Trevon shook his head. Trevon’s week vacation from the office had started today, and since Anthony had gotten suspended for fighting Danny, he’d be home for the week too.  “Son, tell me what happened” Trevon set his coffee mug down as the beautiful woman Anthony whistled at quickly followed behind the waitress leaving a pleasant cloud of perfume behind.

Anthony pulled the sausage off his fork, with his teeth, eyeing his dad. Trevon studied Anthony, he’d only managed to get a cut on the side of his face. Anthony adjusted his cap. ,”I caught him and Jana in the boys bathroom stall.” Anthony shook his head as his eyes flickered back and forth, his tongue flicking out along his lips. ,”I pulled her away from him, and told him if he can’t respect her he needs to get to stepping, and he started zipping his pants back up, talking about how she was just a good lay and how she gave good head, so I stepped back, and allowed him to step out the bathroom, than once he was out in the hallway, I took him by the collar and beat his ass.”

Trevon watched Anthony fork at his eggs. ,”Sorry, I mean his butt. Don’t worry though dad the whole time I was talking scripture to him. I even threw in, “I am punching you because I love you, because you said we aren’t supposed to hate our enemies” Trevon covered his smile with his coffee as a smirked played on Anthony’s face.  “You really like Bianca don’t you son?” Trevon poured more cream into the coffee mug enjoying the slight reddish tint take over his son’s light skinned face. Anthony ducked his head down. ,”Yeah, I guess.”

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